Fish oil seems to be one supplement that doctors routinely agree on because of all the great health benefits. It is made from the oil of fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, or sardines and contains eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and decosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

The health benefits include:
Lowering triglycerides
Increasing HDL (the good cholesterol)
Improving arrhythmias
Benefiting blood pressure
Lowering inflammation
Improving skin conditions
Helping arthritis
Supporting eyesight
Improving brain function/development
Improving mood

Humans can’t make their own omega-3 fatty acids so we must rely on outside sources such as supplements or natural (not farmed) fish. When choosing your supplement, make sure you go for a good quality company that focuses on provided healthy omega-3-fatty acids. Examine the ratio of EPA to DHA compared to the total omega-3’s in the capsule. For example, if one capsule has 1000mg of "fish oil" but only 200mg EPA and 150mg DHA then you are only looking at 350mg of the beneficial omega-3s.

Make sure you are getting at least 500-750mg EPA and 200-350mg of DHA.

The fish oil should be screened for pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, PCB’s, dioxin, rancidity and other toxins so that you aren’t putting those in your body.

Cut open your fish oil and smell it! If it doesn’t smell like good, clean fish then it’s old and rancid. If it smells like dead or rotting fish then throw it out! Never take rancid oil!

Keep your fish oil out of heat/warm places as it can cause the oil to go rancid quickly. Consider keeping it in the refrigerator to avoid heat and lower the risk of "fish burps."

The average dose for fish oil is 1,000 mg per day, however if you have heart conditions or need a higher therapeutic dose, check in with your health care provider and be aware that fish oil at high doses can thin blood or increase your risk for bruising.