There is no shortage of imagery which can stimulate, inspire and arouse us. For many of us, the magazines and glossy ads promoting makeup and fashion can only take us so far. We might enjoy the ride they bring us on for a few minutes and then come crashing down as we realize we can't afford the products and/or can't get any deeper sustenance from them.
Native Americans had some deeper imagery in mind; thoughts and associations with animals that were not used for boots or the testing of hair dye but were instead revered for certain characteristics and qualities. Identifying with certain of these noble creatures allowed them to deepen their commitments to their families, their communities and their own spiritual journeys.
Qualities like patience, kindness, loyalty, courage, honesty, bravery and fierceness are just a few.
By tapping into some of the ancient wisdom of native people, we can begin to understand our place on earth in a more realistic way. We were never meant to trample our natural habitat to dust and surround ourselves with electronics making both more connected and simultaneously lonelier than ever before in history. Animal strength and energy is overlooked today as we objectify animals and simply use them for our own consumption. Looking deeper into the power and magnificence of animals, we may find a new respect for the world we share with them and the great wordless knowing they represent.