Doctor Bastuba describes how often a couple should have sex when a woman is ovulating and the couple is trying to conceive.

One question that couples ask is, “When my partner is ovulating, should we be having sex once a day, twice a day, three times a day?” While many males are hoping for that three times a day answer, the reality is that once a day or even once every other day is likely quite adequate for most couples.

Again, that allows the sperm, once released inside an ovulating female, the female’s body actually changes and the fluids in her body are much more sperm-friendly. They are actually made to help the sperm stay alive; the pH is adjusted, the protein content is adjusted all in a sperm-friendly way. So the sperm are going to hang around for a while. Once every day or every other day is quite adequate for a typical couple.

About Dr. Martin D. Bastuba:
As San Diego's leading subspecialist in male fertility and male and female sexual dysfunction issues, Dr. Martin Bastuba gives hope to couples who have been unable to conceive, and to men and women who are experiencing the anxieties and frustration of sexual dysfunction. He offers complete diagnosis, treatment, prevention techniques and education for his patients.

Visit Dr. Bastuba at his Web site