It is said that your character is the sum of your total habits. Great habits – daily, weekly and monthly ones can simplify your life and keep your mind stress free. Simple things like tidying your desk at the end of the day means your next day can begin productively (and with clarity!).

Here are some of my daily habits that help me live “my best life” (as Oprah would say!):

I aim for 30 minutes a day – deep breathing, a clear mind and just peace and quiet from within (and my surroundings)!

Gratitude list
I write a gratitude list everyday. It can be anything from “water” to “my legs” or “socks” to things like healthcare systems and kindness. Anything I am grateful for that day gets written down. A gratitude list reminds me of how blessed I am and keeps me in a great frame of mind.

Written affirmations
I normally have a couple of affirmations I am working on at any given time. Each morning I write them out quite a few times. Writing them helps them settle into the unconscious mind apparently. I notice great results when I do my affirmations regularly.

I adore exercise and walk everyday. I get fresh air, a clear head and to see the world. Anyone who is not exercising regularly is really missing out on one of life’s great pleasures (no I’m not joking!). It makes you feel amazing in mind and body.

Read your goals
After my gratitude list and written affirmations I read through my goals. It reminds me of where I’m heading and what I want.

Visualisation is a very powerful tool as your mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what is imagined, that is why the law of attraction works so well with regular visualization.

I like to read something everyday that is good for my brain. Even if I only manage 15minutes it is worth it (I prefer 45 minutes to an hour). It is said that a man that doesn’t read books is no better off than a man who cannot read books – so true. Books are a fab tool to keep you growing, thinking and learning.

Some other rituals you could do are having a relaxing bath instead of a shower and taking the time to really relax when having a hot drink (instead of drinking it at your desk). Practical rituals and habits (such as the desk tidying) can help you keep your house tidier (so easier to live in). I always remember the saying “don’t put things down – put them away” it keeps my place from getting messy and unmanageable.

What habits and rituals have you made your norm? How do they make your life better?