It’s summer time, and that means it’s time for many women to unnecessarily dread bathing suits and more revealing clothing. It’s difficult to love your body when magazines and ads are telling you what you can do to improve them, suggesting they’re not good enough, especially during the summer. Of course it benefits everyone to stay healthy and active, but it’s just as important to love what you have. Here are some tips to help you love your body if you’re having any trouble.

1) Take care of your body and pamper it. This doesn’t mean you have to make any drastic changes or improvements, but simple steps like putting lotion on your hands when they feel dry help you appreciate your body and love it more. If you put care into your body, it will most likely make you feel better. This doesn’t mean you have to go tanning, change your hair color or put gobs of makeup on. This just means natural care, like making sure your body has enough moisture, keeping it clean and satisfied. If you feel like “beautifying” yourself, then go right ahead, but don’t feel that it’s necessary to paint your toenails or shave every day even.

2) Eat healthy and exercise an appropriate amount. Again, this is not to change your body to conform to the thin ideal necessarily. This is about feeling comfortable in your own body. For example, eating the right foods can make you feel strong, confident and lively. Eating the wrong foods could make you feel bloated and fatigued, which benefits no one. When you pay attention to what your body needs, it can be rewarding. The same goes for exercise. If you sit around all day and have problems getting up the stairs, this isn’t making your life more worthwhile. When you are able to get anywhere without too much effort, life is that much easier. Sarah Maria, a body image expert, stated on her website that you should “focus on how you feel rather than what your scale is saying.” Eating healthy and exercising can help you emotionally too, which also benefits your experience in life.

3) Avoid magazines and books that focus too much on perfecting your body and appearance. Some advice on how to be healthier is fine, but appearance is only a part of who you are. The focus should be more on how to feel better, but sometimes advice is skewed. Just because your makeup might look prettier, it doesn’t mean you should feel better – appearance should not be such a concern. When you read health advice, think of how this will make your body feel even better, and don’t concentrate always on how this will make you more desirable and look better according to society’s standards. Although society places an emphasis on appearance, especially for women, that doesn’t mean you can’t reject this focus. Realize that probably every photo in women’s magazines is Photoshopped and unrealistic. Even if the photos aren’t altered, chances are the women you’re viewing (specifically celebrities) have a nutritionist and physical trainer hired to help them live their restrictive lifestyle and have the body society demands. It’s their job to look like that, not yours. Spend your time reading about issues that matter and other topics that interest you, like psychology, astronomy, wild life or equal rights. What you do in the world, how you help others and what your views are will matter more than your appearance in the end, so why not start fixating on that aspect of life now? Enjoy and appreciate your body for what it is, and don’t jump through never-ending hoops like magazines and books suggest.

4) Learn to describe and think of yourself in terms other than your body and appearance. Again, your appearance doesn’t matter so much as what’s inside you and how comfortable you are in your own skin. Think of your personality, your achievements and what you’ve done in life and what you plan to do. Avoid describing yourself as someone “with pretty eyes but a little extra weight,” for example, and neglecting the other parts, like “intelligent, opinionated and determined to become a veterinarian.” However, you can also be proud of your body for how healthy it is and how beautiful you know you are. Just realize your body is just a shell, covering the important parts, and it’s important to keep the shell healthy so the inside part flourishes.

5) Don’t worry about your weight. Yes, it’s important to be concerned, especially if you know you weigh much more or less than you should. But it really matters how good you feel. A woman who is overweight or underweight probably don’t feel amazing in her body because her body should be another healthy weight. The problem comes when your body is at a weight it shouldn’t be. Sarah Jio, a blogger for Glamour, stated in an article that women who love their bodies at any size don’t pay attention to the scales as much, considering body weight fluctuates constantly by a couple pounds. She also added that happiness is more important than rigidity over diet. It’s okay to have “forbidden” sweets every now and then, just don’t do it all the time. It’s okay to eat unhealthily sometimes; you don’t have to obsess about your diet or worry if you miss a workout. When you’re feeling unhappy because your lifestyle is so restricting, then it’s time to reevaluate your mindset, goals and life. Being healthy should be a pleasant experience. If it isn’t, then find a way for it to be. Try a different workout routine or try a different recipe. Summer is the perfect time to try different physical activities, like swimming or kayaking.

6) Take the time to look over your body. Take in all parts, and think about how unique and special each body part is. Each part has a purpose and is made the way it was supposed to be. Look at any cellulite or excess fat, and tell yourself that it’s perfectly fine. If you’re eating healthy and exercising at the right amount, you have nothing to worry about. Your body is the way it is supposed to be, and if you’re not your natural shape, you will be soon enough. Think about body parts that you appreciate the most, and linger on those positive thoughts. Then look at body parts you don’t particularly like, and work on relieving yourself of those negative thoughts. Then look at your body as a whole, and think loving thoughts. Your body is worthy of self-love, and love from others. Your body is perfectly fine the way it is, and there is no reason you shouldn't go swimming and wear that cute summer dress. Go right ahead, and walk tall and proud, or swim to your heart's desire.

7) Go to the doctor for regular check-ups. Part of loving your body is keeping it disease-free and problem-free and healthy, which a doctor can help you with. An article on the National Organization for Women Foundation’s “Love your body” website stated that safe sex also contributes to body love. The website states that “loving our bodies is about keeping them healthy and free from diseases.” Safe sex also includes respecting your body’s wishes. If you and your body don’t want to have sex, then say “no.” If you do want to have sex, then go right ahead and enjoy it!

8) Take an active role in promoting positive body image and helping others love their bodies. You can look at the NOW website listed below for some ideas, which includes voicing your opinion to advertisers about their unrealistic advertisements and avoiding buying products from those companies. But also just talk to your friends about loving their bodies and share your thoughts and ideas. If you let your friends know you’re working on loving your body, hopefully they’ll help you and help themselves. Maria stated on her website that it’s important to have positive support from others in order to love your body. The Glamour article mentioned it’s also necessary to ignore rude comments from others about your body because they’re inevitable. However, the more positive people you surround yourself with and the more you help others view their bodies in a loving and optimistic light, then that body love will spread. If you're having problems finding people who love their bodies or aren't getting the positive support and reinforcement you need to love your body, you can always talk to a therapist about any issues you have. They are one of the most reliable support systems out there.

What do you love about your body? Do you have trouble loving your body? If so, how are you working on loving your body?


Reviewed May 26, 2011
Edited by Alison Stanton