There are multiple articles and studies revealing various ways to alleviate depression, so why is it that so many people still aren’t handling it so well?

As people with depression know, it’s not so simple to get eight hours of sleep, eat a 100 percent balanced diet, exercise daily and engage in positive social activities on a consistent basis. This is even difficult for people without depression.

For people with depression, every day can be a struggle. The very nature of depression doesn’t encourage the completion of healthy activities. When people feel hopeless, empty, worthless, lose interest in certain activities, suffer from insomnia and have no energy, any positive change seems impossible. For example, medication could help with insomnia and lead to healthier sleep patterns, but what if memory difficulties (a symptom of depression) prevent consistency in taking the medication? And how can anyone feel motivated to go to the gym when they are constantly dragging themselves around, exhausted from lack of sleep and just feeling unrested all the time?

I have struggled with following all the steps to decrease my depression. I still struggle but I do feel a slight improvement that can only get better, and I want to share that hope and knowledge with you through this series. It’s important for people with depression to stick together and share advice with one another on how to cope, so hopefully this series of articles will encourage others to share their stories.

I’ve had depression and other mental health issues at least since I was 8 to 10 years old, and it’s taken me until my current age of 21 to figure out what’s going on and how I can start to help myself. I have recently been diagnosed with dysthymia, which is a long-lasting form of depression that is only diagnosed if the depression has been present at least two years. Because dysthymia is long-term, some people have thought of it in the past as almost a depressive personality disorder. Sometimes people who have dysthymia experience episodes of major depression, which is considered more severe and disabling. However, an article in the Harvard Mental Health Letter suggested that dysthymia can be just as severe as major depression, especially considering its long-term nature. This background information is so you keep in mind which type of depression I have experience with, though my advice may apply to more than people who have dysthymia.

The first major step in the journey of coping with depression is realizing you have depression and admitting you need help. Many people are afraid of what’s going on psychologically and are definitely afraid of telling others for fear of judgment. There is also still stigma attached to depression and other mental disorders. Despite this fear and denial, there needs to be a point of acceptance. Otherwise, nothing can get accomplished and you’ll just sink in your depression. In some cases, you might need to ask others for help because it’s too difficult to accomplish everything on your own, and that’s okay. Independence is important, but you have to work yourself up to that point. Also, a strong support system is vital for anyone, especially those who have depression.

To recognize if you have depression, you need to know the common symptoms. Although I mentioned many above, others include irritability, major appetite changes and suicidal thoughts, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. If you think you have depression and have admitted to yourself you need help, the next logical step is to make an appointment with a doctor or mental health professional.

Look for my next article on issues with talking to others about depression and the process of asking for help and acceptance.
