What Is Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS)?

PD_ Fitness and WellBeing_67058 CVS is a procedure performed in the first trimester of pregnancy to detect to detect birth defects by taking a sample of cells from parts of the placenta called the chorionic villi, which have the same genes as the fetus. CVS can detect most of the same defects as ]]>amniocentesis]]> , but it cannot detect open neural tube defects. If you have CVS, you will want to consider having a blood alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test later in your pregnancy to test for neural tube defects.

Who Should Have CVS?

Your healthcare provider will make recommendations for testing based on your genetic risk. Either amniocentesis or CVS should be recommended if:

  • You will be 35 years old or older when you give birth.
  • You have a family history of certain birth defects.
  • You already had a child with a birth defect.
  • You have abnormal results on other genetic screening tests.

How Is the Procedure Performed?

CVS is usually done about 10-12 weeks from a woman's last menstrual period and once the presence of a living pregnancy has been established. The procedure is performed in the healthcare provider's office or hospital. Cells can be collected from the placenta in two ways—through the abdomen, or through the vagina. If you have any bleeding during pregnancy, problems with your cervix, or a sexually transmitted disease, you may be offered CVS through the abdomen as the preferred route.

If collecting cells through the abdomen, the clinician will carefully insert a needle through your abdomen into your uterus and into your placenta under local anesthesia. A sample of chorionic villi will be collected. If collecting cells through the vagina, the clinician will first insert a speculum. A thin tube will then be inserted into your vagina and up through your cervix. An ultrasound will be used to guide the tube to your placenta and a small sample of chorionic villi will be removed and sent to a lab. Results may take about 10 days.

Are There Any Risks Associated With CVS?

There is a risk of infection with CVS. Because the procedure is done earlier than amniocentesis, there is a slighly higher risk of ]]>miscarriage]]> . In rare cases, limb deformities have occurred in infants, especially when CVS was done before 10 weeks.