Well this morning I was slightly thrown for a loop. I went to my 8:30 weight class like usual, but getting there around 8:20ish rather than 8ish which is kind of a problem. My class starts at 8:30 and you have to get there at 8 in order to check the kids into the kids club and get your stuff all set up in time. It is a packed class, and if you want in the back left hand corner like I do (because the right side is in front of the windows facing out for the entire gym to see) then you need to get there early!

Anyway, because I was running a bit late all of the good spots were taken. As I was trying to figure out how I was going to squeeze myself into the little spot way over in the left hand back corner, BAM - everything changed. In walked a SUB.

No, not just any SUB, the SUB from hell. Now, don't get me wrong - I love Cherise - but not if I am not expecting her. She is like a drill sargent and by the end of her class you are usually shaking all over and about to puke. Again, stuff I like, but not when I am not expecting it.

Well, here she is telling us all to put the steps away and just keep our "heavy" dumbbells and "heavy" barbells - and in Cherise's mind - nothing can be too heavy unless you are falling over holding it. Anyway, you should have seen us all. We were all like "What?? Huh?? Excuse me?? What did she say??" And all of us wanted to leave! Again, not because we don't love Cherise however you must be prepared and not throw out 1/2 your cup of coffee like I did - you need every drop of that coffee to conquer Cherise! And, if it wasn't Cherise that was making people want to leave, it was the mere fact that the class was going to be "different".

You know how we are, such creatures of habit and most of us HATE change - especially when it comes to our exercise routine. However, we should all embrace the change and realize that it is good for us. Our bodies get into ruts. They get bored. They stop reacting. Change is good. It keeps the body reacting, building, losing (or gaining, whatever your goal may be.)

Yes, we were all thrown for a loop and yes we were all cussing out Cherise during our 582nd walking lunge and 893rd squat for the morning, but let me tell you, my butt lifted like 3 inches by the end of that class. No I am not going to be able to walk for about 2 weeks, but that is good. It is a reminder that hey, I am not working those parts and believe me they need to be worked!

Bottom line - keep changing. Change up your workout routines, the amount of weight you use, the speed you are running or riding. If you want to improve, you must be constantly working towards that improvement which means constantly changing.

Next time you see a sub or "your" 3rd elliptical machine in the second row is taken, don't freak out and leave - try to suck it up and Conquer your "Cherise!"
