I think everyone is aware how the obesity rate in this country is not getting any lower. We are a FAT society. There are many reasons we contribute this to. First, we don't move enough. We aren't laborers like our ancestors, we sit at a desk. We don't walk places, we drive a car.

Secondly, we don't eat to fuel ourselves, we eat to comfort ourselves. Restaurants give us twice as much as we need and the old large cup drinks are now the small sizes and every thing is about SUPER SIZING! We want the most for our buck. Just go to a movie theater and order a small popcorn and the response back will be how a large is just 25 cents more. What a deal! I'll take the large.

So hear is what shocks me. This information is out there. It's on the television in the news or even in shows like the "Biggest Loser." It's in the newspapers and magazines. The information that we need to get healthy and the dangers of being overweight are plastered everywhere, but we still have people wanting to sue McDonalds because the food made them fat. HELLO! What did you think it was going to do? I lecture about very basic facts to the public and I want to change my lecture because I keep telling myself my information is old news. Then I give it and people are just shocked like I just discovered some new phenomenon called a good diet and regular exercise. I just don't understand it?

I thought about this the other day as I was driving to meet a few girlfriends for a bike ride. I was at a stop light and looked over to my left and there was an obese lady sitting in her car eating breakfast. I couldn't make out from what fast food place this breakfast came from, but it was some type of breakfast sandwich with white bread and a mystery meat. This was followed by a nice soda of some kind and what looked like hash brown sticks. I just wanted to reach in the car and take it away from her and hand her a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and a few walnuts. Doesn't she know how dangerous her weight is? Hasn't someone told her? Does she not pick up the paper or turn on the television and discover what she is doing to her body?

So, where am I going with this blog? To be honest I just wanted someone to hear me out. I am saddened and frustrated with the whole obesity factor especially when I see it in kids. It breaks my heart. So, I will continue lecturing, continue blogging and helping in anyway I can to get the word out!
