Plantar Fasciitis is a common, painful injury that can go on for months. Plantar Fasciitis happens when the long, flat ligament on the bottom of your foot (Plantar Fascia) stretches too much, small tears develop and the ligament inflames (ouch!!)! Folks, this is serious pain!

Plantar Fasciitis usually develops over time. Many times, people continue to exercise when the condition first occurs. So, the condition worsens causing you to see you local doctor. As with all injuries, prevention is the best solution. Whenever you feel pain, it is a sign that something is wrong. Don't ignore it.

Take these steps to avoid Plantar Fasciitis:

1) Keep your foot and ankle area flexible (including the Achilles tendon). Also, don't wear cheap or worn out shoes when you workout.

2) Vary your running workouts to avoid repetitive type injuries.

3) A sudden increase in the intensity or length of your workouts can cause injury.

4) Bad running mechanics (foot strike on the ground) can cause injury. Don't over-train. Research shows that the lowest number of running injuries occur when you run three days a week. Each added day increases your chance of injury. Also, don't run too many miles in a week. Those who run 20 miles or less a week experience the lowest number of injuries. You need rest between exercise days and walk breaks during long runs.

5) Repetitive running or walking on steep inclines or hills can bring on injury.

If you develop Plantar Fasciitis, try these steps and try to avoid the doctor's office:

1) Stop exercising or cut down your activity. Stretch and massage the calf area.

2) A better pair of shoes (with heel and arch support) could be the answer. A heel cup might also help.

3) Ice the inflamed area.

No pain, no gain is a myth! Sharp pain during exercise is a signal that something is wrong!

Source: The Stretching Institute, Stretching and Sports Injury Report

Mark Dilworth, Certified Personal Trainer
Her Fitness Hut