It’s not healthy because of all the sugar. All the fat. All the fatty, sugary badness. But while we all know this, sometimes you just have to say, “What the fudge?” and just have a bit, or even a lot of some deep, dark, rich, mysterious, creamy or crunchy, delectable chocolate treat.

As many of us know, certain compounds in chocolate do things to our brain chemistry that increase our feelings of bliss, of being at one with ourselves or even being in love. It can, apparently, reduce the risk of stroke and may even contain some protein. Of course dark chocolate trumps milk chocolate for health benefits, and I’m assuming there’s no reason to tell you this, but you still must eat all of your vegetables, as well as the dark, wondrous stuff:

After a bad day at work or a fight with your honey, it’s not okay to self medicate, but really, are you going to hurt anyone with a little comfort? Perhaps not every day, or after every bad experience--behaviorists will shout – “Don’t link the chocolate with self soothing after an upset!--but methinks Skinner doth protest too much.

In that vein, here are a couple of chocolately suggestions for you, for even as you berate yourself in the mirror looking at bathing suits and wondering how on Earth you’re going to summon up the courage again this year to wear one--no matter if you are a size zero or well above that--you deserve a little something now and again. Really.

Coconut Chocolate Smoothie
1- take low fat or non fat or even soymilk and put two to four cups in a blender.
2 – Add some coconut sherbet, gelato or ice cream.
3 – Add some chocolate ice cream of your choice – any type except please avoid the kinds with nuts for now.
4 – Add in a couple of strawberries.
Blend together and enjoy. Yes, that is what I’m talking about!

The Nutella Waffle Delight
1 – Toast some frozen waffles (okay, if you make your own waffles, you’re way ahead of me here).
2 – When they’re nice and hot and a little browned, spread some margarine or butter on them.
3 – Spread Nutella spread on top of that. Yes, the butter and the Nutella may swirl together.
5 – Slice bananas and place atop this combination. (if you’re not a banana person, leave this step to the monkeys…).
Enjoy! This is not only ecstatic, it’s actually filling as well.

Aimee Boyle is a regular contributor to EmpowHER which is really a wonderful place to share stories, feelings, opinions and recipes. The two chocolate indulgence recipes are staples in her household.