If the Baby Boomers, the Slackers, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z all got together and took a look at the crystal ball elucidating the future of our current generation, I'm sure they would all find them sitting around staring at computer screens or sitting somewhere with some sort of screen either propped up or on their laps, their fingers busily typing, touching, bumping or tapping a myriad of images, words, numbers and graphics popping up right and left. We could probably get away with calling this generation Generation "G" for Gentility; that is to say, the generation that sits on it's behind from morning till night, using technology to "get things done" and play games incessantly. Or they play games to get things done, or get things done THROUGH playing games which is what so much computing feels like.

Generation G doesn't have to tie their shoes (there's Velcro for that), ride a bike (too windy) or chop wood (huh?). Generation G doesn't play kickball or baseball or stickball in the street (you mean, like, with a STICK? From a TREE?), or climb trees in the country (you mean, like a MONKEY?).

Generation G plays sports only if pushed and signed-up for by mummy or daddy, but never just as a fun thing to do with a group of friends on a summer afternoon (you mean, like, even if we don't HAVE to?).

Generation G will not become cops, firefighters, mechanics, plumbers or electricians. They will not build cars or work in factories of any kind. They will not learn to play a musical instrument or know the names of any artists or dancers from before 1998.

Generation G will, literally, type and touch, coming up into REAL TIME only for food and water, or to bathe here and there, and will resubmerge immediately. They will be IT support people and web designers. They will be animators and graphic artists. They will be game designers and teachers, but if they're teachers, they will still be typing and touching screens all day long, using SMART Boards, email and online programs to teach.

Generation G will say "LOL" to each other and not laugh. They will say "TY" and never send a thank you card. They will film their children with flip cameras and send their parents the video in an e-mail. And as their children grow, they will send funny videos in e-mails with an accompanying "ROFL" and a smiley face graphic, so that they never, ever, have to visit.

Generation G will think of cooking as a game show where someone wins $10,000 and of diaries as blogs that wait to be monetized.

As the mother of two of these "G" people, I push them down in the snow and unplug their computer. "Huzzah!" I cry, "3D doesn't always require special glasses!" And I point to a tree and say, "This is where sticks come from."

Aimee Boyle is a regular contributor to EmpowHER. She also writes fiction and monetizes a blog at http://www.straightandnarrow.yolasite.com