2010 may be your year to lose weight, stop smoking, or staying more organized, but did you add "have sex every day" to your list?

That's exactly what Sadie Nardini and her husband committed to doing for a month, according to an article at CNN.com. Initially a goal that the couple hoped would rid them of bad habits (cigarettes and chocolate), the couple found that there were significant benefits to a daily sex regiment. Nardini claims to have had better sleep, more energy and didn't catch a cold or flu.

Researchers have long discussed the benefits of sex, included to, but not limited to it helping the health of your heart, lowering stress levels and improving sleep. Other findings have included living longer, having a lower blood pressure, lower risk of breast and prostate cancer, healthier semen and fewer menopause symptoms. Frequent sex can also improve testosterone levels and help you lose calories.

CNN's article begs the question: Should we all resolve to have sex every day? There are two factors to consider before diving into this resolution:

1. Safe sex practices: Your stress levels may be higher if you contract an STD from your partner or become pregnant unexpectedly. Your health will be a lot better off if you take time to have fun and be sexually intimate while also taking charge of your sexual well being: that means wearing condoms, asking your partner to get tested for STDs, and using the range of methods of contraception available; and

2. A committed sexual partner: I by no means want to suggest that you would only be better off with a committed partner in your life, but I do think there is a risk factor involved in jumping to bed with a stranger in order to fulfill a new year's resolution. Be conscientious of your sexual partners -- make sure you are protected against unintended pregnancies and STDs! Also consider that Nardini and her partner may have felt their decision to have sex daily could be accomplished because they were in a committed relationship with one another. Still! There are other ways to find sexual satisfaction besides picking up a new partner for 30 days. Ladies, don't underestimate the power of masturbation.

What say you, women? Have you experienced the benefits of intercourse? Would you commit to a daily regiment of sex with your partner?