Mr. Busy grabs the leaking trash bag by the lapels, as if confronting it with long overdue rage, "Listen, you, I'm taking you OUTside, NOW." He rushes out the door, adrenaline pumping, and stuffs a dripping, slothful nemesis in a barrel.

He comes back in, stomping the debris from the soles of his shoes and thoroughly washes his hands. Meanwhile, Mrs. Busy is frantically looking for socks that match; not for herself, for she wears shoes which no longer require socks as a time saver.

No, no, these matching socks are for her children who, somehow, manage to chew through them as if they were rice crispie treats; they disappear that quickly.

Mrs. Busy looks over at Mr. Busy washing his hands and remembers about the afternoon, suddenly, like a stab in the gut. "Are you picking up the kids from Swamp Mom's House, Honey? Remember I have that Important Meeting about post-it notes today until at least 5:30."

Mr. Busy kisses Mrs. Busy on the cheek, offers a quick rub of her lower back, "Yea, I can do that, but where does she live again?"

"I'll write it down for you. It's just 202 Swamp Street, remember?"
They bustle away, planning, cleaning, attacking the garbage, walking the kids, feeding the dog ...

At 4:30 a.m. Mr. Busy wakes Mrs. Busy. "Do you still love me?" "What?" she says, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, "I love you, of course!"

Here we have the absence of sex and intimacy in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Mr. and Mrs. Busy never stopped wanting, needing or loving each other but so many of us forget to make the time for love making in the never ending cycle of chores and responsibilities that keep our lives ticking along so, well, busily.

While many of us sneer at making set times for sex, it's okay to embrace the "sex date" mentality as long as its done with love, romance and a little artfulness. Think of things to do to surprise and please your lover even if it seems, at first, like just another thing to check off your "to-do" list.

It doesn't matter if you're bringing it down to the same level as grocery shopping - because you can't live without food and, in order to continue to feel loved and ensure the good feelings you want your sweetie to have, you can't live in a great relationship without sex and intimacy.

Never wait to be seduced; do the seducing and let your significant other know you are prioritizing your desire and your passion; that it's equally or more important than your Important Meeting and the kids' pick up plans.

This type of communication of desire alone can do wonders for the ego of both parties and can set up something wonderful to look forward to later.

Stay up too late and wait until the house is quiet. Get up too early and spend time together before the morning rush. If you would do it for work reasons or to take care of a child, why wouldn't you do it for your honey?

Making your special time together a priority keeps you connected, healthy, happy and sizzling.