With all the latest news about Tiger Woods’ indiscretions and the slew of other famous politicians and celebrities who get caught with their “pants down”, it is important for the wives or girlfriends of these men to immediately check for a sexually transmitted disease.

One might be saying that this is not one of the first things a woman thinks of when she has been cheated on. Maybe not, but it should possibly be the second or no less than the third thing to consider because while your heart maybe broken, there could be a lot more broken if you end up with a disease that could cause you to lose your life.

Let’s face it, more than likely if the man has been seeing the person for more than 3 to 6 months chances are they are not using protection any longer. One of the reasons is because at this point, the tryst has turned into what is considered a relationship. This may sounds illogical or irrational, but it is definitely something to consider. Up front, the wife or girlfriend will want to consider her feelings, her children and her financial situation and totally forget about the possible danger to her health. This something that cannot be ignored because it only takes a one time sexual encounter with someone infected with an STD to infect you. The smart choice is to make an appointment with a doctor immediately to take a blood test for all known STDs especially Herpes, HIV and AIDS.

Even if the infidel tells you that he always used protection, bypass what he says and take the test anyway. Get the evidence that what he says is in fact true. If the test comes back negative, you will have peace of mind that you are okay and not a casualty of his transgression. For more information on this subject, here is an article that has some tips on protecting yourself from the result of a cheating partner. It is: http://www.health.com/health/condition-article/0,,20188833,00.html. Also, here is another link asking the question with an obvious answer about infidelity and STDs: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/if-you-knew-your-guy-had-cheated-would-you-get-an-std-test-lets-talk-about-tiger-woods-550635/. The bottom line is that cheating is hard enough to deal with once it is discovered, but it is even harder when someone contracts a disease as a result of it. The heart can heal over time, but there are some diseases that can’t ever be cured.