People live with all types of diseases and conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. There are issues and discomforts in life associated with being diagnosed with a condition, but many people with the help of their doctor learn to live and function well in life. Would this be any different if someone is diagnosed with an STD such as Herpes or HIV? The answer is No and Yes.

Other diseases such a cancer are not contagious. It only affects the person with the disease. Someone living with a sexually transmitted disease can affect their partner if they are not careful upon contact.

The first thing to remember is there are some STDs that cannot be cured. For those particular conditions, there are important life changing events that have to happen. It is very vital to inform the people closest to you about your health. This is especially important for the person you are intimate with to know. Not letting them know about it could be hazardous to their health as well. Disclosing such details of one’s life can be tough which is why it may be important to only mention it to people you feel comfortable with in the beginning. As time goes on, it should become easier to talk about this issue. Here is a link to an article giving tips and information about living with an STD:
Living With an STD
After You've Been Diagnosed With An STD...

Living with an STD can prove quite challenging in the dating arena. Currently, there are dating sites geared toward people who are familiar with this issue. The link is: A site such as this can be important because there are other individuals online who can identify with things that are important to you. It provides a support system just as any other group does. Also, if you do plan to date, there are tips for starting the process. Check out:

Living with an STD and Dating. Remember, it is important to take care of your health at all cost, but it is just as important to inform others to make sure they are safe as well. Living with an STD can be manageable and if done well can allow you to have a good quality of life.