Natural treatments for human papillomavirus (HPV) starts with treating the underlying cause: boosting the immune system. The immune system is responsible for protecting the body from foreign substances like viruses, bacteria or fungi. When the immune system is strong it is able to fight off these things. I look at treating the entire body as well as treating the infected area, the surface of the uterus. To treat the entire body I always start with nutrition. To boost the immune system it is important to eat whole foods – especially vegetables and lean proteins. The more processed foods, sugars and sweets suppress the immune system. The more colorful foods you can eat the better-- orange, blue, yellow and red fruits and vegetables have phytonutrients that support the immune system. Onions and garlic are excellent immune supportive foods too. There are herbs that are very supportive to healing virus infections in the body including echinacea, St. John's wort, hyssop, lomatium, para cress, and thuja so taking formulations that include these will also help the body get rid of HPV. Stress also suppresses the immune system so it is important to monitor and reduce stress while you are treating HPV too.

Treating the infected area involves using suppositories inserted in to the vagina. This puts the medication on the surface of the cervix to help heal the HPV- infected cells. The suppositories are infused with herbs that are focused on healing virus-infected cells. This is different from the conventional methods because the suppositories are used to heal the area. In the conventional methods the cells are scraped or cut off in hopes that the new cells will be normal. Both methods attempt to create and maintain healthy cells directly on the cervix.

The overall naturopathic plan to treat HPV requires treatment of the entire body and well as treating the surface of the uterus as well.

Live Vibrantly,

Dr. Dae

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Dr. Dae's book: Daelicious! Recipes for Vibrant Living can be purchased @

Dr. Dae's Bio:

“Dr. Dae" (pronounced Dr. Day) Daemon Jones is a Naturopathic Physician who treats the whole person using safe and effective combinations of traditional and natural methods to produce optimal health and well-being in the lives of her patients.