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I have always been somewhat of a health nut, way before I got married and had children; however, I really stepped up my efforts to live a holistic kind of life even though I was a traditional nurse back in the 70’s. I first started to really feel like I was having some severe health issues about the year 2000. I always received compliments on how young I looked for my age and how great my shape was, however when life’s stresses really started to get to me…I started getting a headache, usually right after I chewed some sugary gum. At first I didn’t make the connection. I then looked up my symptoms and make the connection. At this point I realized that if I didn’t do something about my diet that I could possibly have blood sugar problems or worse yet diabetes. Diabetes and heart disease runs in my family on my father’s side although my Uncle William on my mother’s side of the family died from cancer and diabetes, I believe this was due in part to his drinking lifestyle. Long story short, I changed my diet drastically, I cut out bread and sugar, and upped my consumption of fresh fruits, mainly red apples, green pears, navel oranges, bananas, red grapes, green grapes, black grapes and green apples. I drink non-caffeinated green tea and filtered water. I recently cut out chicken, because of how it made me look and feel. Non organic chicken has too many additives in it that are unhealthy. I only eat turkey drumsticks, round turkey pieces and all vegetables, my favorite being Collard Greens and only brown rice. I have always exercised; however, I made sure that I stepped up my routine, which includes, various videos, for bodybuilding, stretching, martial arts and aerobics. I also purchased a home gym and several workout machines. I feel great now, since I’ve cut out a lot of adulterated foods and pastries, my health has never been better. I’m currently trying to convince my daughter, who loves to bake cookies to switch from raw sugar etc. to stevia. Well, I think I have her almost convinced. Join me on my constant journey on this road to stability and health.

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Barbie Ann Matthews


Queens, New York City, NY 11432 United States


Sep 12


I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.

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