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I am 42 years old, My twenties, I struggled with bulimia, my self image and constipation. My thirties, cyctic acne took hold leaving me with awful scars. I beat bulimia FINALLY at age 36...just after getting married. About 1 year ago, my husband and I made the decision to have a baby. We have been unsuccessful so far, We have moved 9 times in the past 7 years due to his work, and finally settled in New Hampshire just over a year ago.
I am a runner and cyclist. I'm about 6 years into eating 100% clean wholesome foods.
For the past year I have been pushing my body a bit more than usual, keeping up my fitness level with the addition of house renovations. Approximately 2 months ago, I got up at 4 and went for my daily run, then headed to the gym. I was so weak, I couldn't curl a 10 lb dumbell, and had horrible stomach cramps. I went straight to the health clinic upon arriving to work. Blood, Urinalysis, and Vag labs were taken. The following day, I was told I had Candida, Bacterial Vaginosis, and a high TSH. The clinic doctor put me on 25 mcg Levothyroxine, Diflucan, and Flagyl. Synthroid made me so exhausted, I stopped taking it after 2 weeks.
I started seeing a naturopathic doctor and have gotten saliva tests and complete thyroid labs done. What has come to light is ... T3, T4, TSH, Free T4 all NORMAL. Free T3 is low. Cortisol is Low. Vitamin D deficient, and Testosterone is low. All other sex hormones are normal. I haven't told my doctor I stopped the synthroid, and she just added Cytomel to my treatment...Then she left me a voicemail "Please dont start the Cytomel. You need a specialist." I am trying to read everything I can get my hands on regarding adrenal deficiency and Low Free T3. It seems neither my clinic doctor nor my naturopathic doctor can figure out what to do next. I am mostly concerned with my fertility...and a successful pregnancy. I am hoping to find similar experiences that may help me with what direction to go in next...Exhausted.

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