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NV 00623


Oct 15

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As a rule, prison films always work according to the same mechanisms. Regardless of whether Henri Charrière is constantly forging escape plans in "Papillon" despite broken feet or whether the death row inmate Matthew Poncelet asks a nun for support in "Dead Man Walking" - life behind bars is typically just a kind of transit station on the way to freedom or to freedom Death. Not so in the gripping, albeit badly conventional thriller “Shot Caller” in the scenes outside the prison walls. The former stuntman Ric Roman Waugh ("Snitch - A Risky Deal"), who has meanwhile been retrained as a director, does not stage prison as an in-between space, but as a rather direct reflection of bourgeois life: privileges and respect have to be worked hard in both worlds - only they are The means used behind bars for this are much more drastic and brutal.

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