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Where to start....At 15 I started with ovarian cyst, those caused major pain and I ended up with about 9 surgeries from 15 to 19 yrs old At 18 & 20 I had miscarriages. Then a few more ovarian cysts with surgery (through my belly button....thank goodness for new medicine). At 24 I finally had my baby girl. A year later I had a emergency hysterectomy. Years had passed, all was good, then in my 30s I had hernea surgery then about 3m later had my gal bladder removed. A year later I was having severe pain in my left side (similar to the cyst pain) I went to my Dr and by sonogram we found a small piece of ovary left behind. Another surgery. When they go in I have scar tissue, endometrosis and all this with the cyst is tangled into my uretha, a lot of my bowel and a few other organs. A month after surgery I felt like death. Went back to ER. They had to take away a lot of bowel and sew that back together, they took had to cut about 6 inches of my uretha as well. The doctor doing the uretha procedure (I know I keep spelling uretha wrong but no spell check...sorry) the Dr did not sew the last 2 stitches so my torso was filling with urine and my left kidney shut down. After a week in the hospital I went home with a cathatar. This emergency surgery was so fast because my life was at stake. Whew!! I was scared.. A few more years go by and I slid down some wet wooden portch steps. Back surgery #1. A few months go by (still recovering) and I am in a car accident. Back surgery #2. Last year the nerves coming out of my spine were being compressed, so they drilled my spine to give room. This will have to be done every 2 years. Now 3 years ago, I was squatting to paint a tire. When I stood up it felt like someone hit me with a sledge hammer in my left knee. I tore my meniscus, 6 weeks later, knee surgery!! Yay. 6 months later (both of these accidents happened in 2015)
I had a little pain my shoulder always, for some reason it was getting progressively worse. During shoulder surgery they found bone spurs, scar tissue, arthritis and bursitis.
I have degenerative disc disease.
Spinal stenosis.
Nerve damage in both legs.
Muscle spasms hourly.
Neck pain.
Severe depression.
Rhumothroid arthritis.
I'm sure I'm missing something.
Can't think of anything else as far as my health goes. I have been told I am a beautiful woman, so I am always trying to take care of myself. You wouldn't look at me and dream I have so many issues. Guess that's why I get those looks when I park in the handicap space. I have a card and a legal right. Ha*Ha*
I have always worked and have been very successful. I owned a Day Spa for 15 years. I'm worked every day. I love getting out in my yard and making it beautiful (since I can't take care of clients). I had to stop working about 8 years ago because my job caused severe pain. By the time the day was over I could not even get out of my car when I got home. Thank goodness for my husband R.I.P.
Now my day consists of staying in bed as much as I can. I'm very clumsy so besides hurting all the time I stay in bed to be safe. I also enjoy the company of my almost 2yr old precious gdaughter. She is the reason I wake up every day. I know I will never have another soul mate, but I'll always have her. I live with my daughter and her husband... I'm so grateful to them. I'll always have a bed buddy. My sweet Ange Emma.

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Nadina (Dina)


MS United States


Jun 22


Dare to be different. ~Winnie the Poo~

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