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Health and fitness has always been important to me but within the last year it has become my obsession! In March 2012 I started Jamie Eason’s LiveFit Trainer which changed my life! I wasn’t paying attention in class and was on StumbleUpon which is how I found her workout. I decided in March to start lifting heavy. Prior to that, I was training for a half-marathon that was scheduled for mid-April. I ran it in under two hours but was completely burnt out after the race. This is when I began my new journey with lifting weights.

I met my boyfriend in January and he started to introduce me to a new way of eating. Calorie restriction was my goal in the past and I later learned that I was only hurting my metabolism by doing this. By taking baby steps, I have transformed the way I eat and have never felt better!

This April I will be competing in my first figure competition. I have created this blog to share my journey with others. Not only that, but I’d like to help motivate others to pursue their health and fitness goals. My journey has changed my life and I’ve never been happier! I’d like to provide ideas within this blog to keep you motivated as well!!

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What do you think is the most important health test for women?
Pap smear
Bone density test
Cholesterol test
Blood pressure check
Eye exam
They're all important
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