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Healthline’s mission is to improve health through information.
We focus our efforts on offering readers and visitors to our site objective, trustworthy, and accurate health information, guided by the principles of responsible journalism and publishing. Our editorial philosophy is to use relevant and accurate content to promote a healthy lifestyle and facilitate disease prevention, as well as to offer clinically significant, medically reviewed information for those who are seeking answers to their health questions. All original content is produced by highly skilled writers or experienced health professionals who are adept at researching a variety of topics and delivering concise, accurate, and engaging information in an easy-to-understand format. When applicable, articles are reviewed by a health professional—a doctor, nurse, dietician, nutritionist, etc.—to ensure the information is accurate. All articles are then reviewed and edited by a member of the Healthline Editorial Team before publication.
The information presented on Healthline.com is not in any way meant to replace the doctor-patient relationship or the professional healthcare experience. Our goal is to educate and empower our users with relevant and responsible information in order to foster better communication between doctors and patients. We always encourage our readers to consult their doctors before acting on any information seen on Healthline or any other health website.

Take Our Featured Health Poll

What do you think is the most important health test for women?
Pap smear
Bone density test
Cholesterol test
Blood pressure check
Eye exam
They're all important
Total: 38509 Votes