The moon in the"atmosphere sign" is the day of air and light. It is harder to research the sky, I wish to shut my eyes, and even through the clouds glowing beams pierce the skies. Today , we believe that the power of the sky, and our power is soon replenished if you simply stay outdoors, walk in the field, or other location where there's excellent visibility. A series of breathing exercises is suggested. The"air" moon raises our sociability and interest in various details.
The moon at the"sign of passion" is a single day of heat. In summer, the heat is particularly difficult to bear, the risk of sunstroke or burning raises. Skin loses moisture faster, so it is not recommended to stay in sunlight for quite a while. In the winter, on the other hand, it is very good to go for a stroll, to the forests, or to the ice rink these days. Notably stuffy indoors, requires venting. The moon in fire signs makes a warm emotional background, and we become a little warmer and in the physical level. Nowadays we're more optimistic and set to be successful.
The moon from the"watermark" - days of moisture. The air gets wetter, the earth are able to continue to keep the morning dew for quite a very long moment. The probability of precipitation increases. It's advisable to decrease the use of liquids. You can highlight the energy in the reservoir, or see the pool. After the moon is in watermarks, it raises the emotionality, sensitivity and receptivity. These days are particularly acceptable for creativity, as they awaken fantasy.
Individuals born on a specified lunar daytime are also influenced by the signs below the day moves. More info about horoscopes can be found in moon in the"earth sign" is your chilly days. At this moment, in summer, we can bear the heat more readily, and the floor is cool. And in the winter we freeze more. Getting prepared for a walk, dress warmer. When the moon is in earth signswe feel the energy of this ground better, therefore we can recommend a visit to the country house, a walk in the woods, operate with the earth, clay, minerals and all organic substances. Today, our interests are focused mostly on the earthly strategy and regular affairs.