Healthy women don't need regular pelvic exams the American College of Physicians (ACP) said in a new set of guidelines recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. An expert panel ...

Juliet50 commented on Stacy Lloyd's post Are Annual Pelvic Exams Necessary? The Debate Continues


There was some recent discussion on EmpowHer (Never Been "Mammogrammed") regarding the automatic advice of medical community to routinely prescribe mammograms as a harmful practice. Surprised? ...

Juliet50 commented on Alison Beaver's post Risks for Mammograms? Should All Women be Advised for this Screening?


Hello everyone, I think it's pretty safe to say that the vast majority of us know the importance of getting a yearly mammogram once we turn 40. I know I sure do. Even though mine have been ...

Juliet50 commented on Michelle King Robson's post 50 Years Old and Never Been Mammogrammed...What to do if a friend won't go in for her mammogram?