I am constantly working to keep myself healthy and happy. I am a believer in alternative therapies and medications and would like to see more research and advocacy in integrating these into our medical system. My personal story is that I was diagnosed with Crohns disease at 15 and struggled with the disease and various treatments for ten years. I had difficulty with all of the prescriptions medications I tried, so I looked into alternative medicines to keep me healthy. In my late 20's I was told that I had been misdiagnosed, but I was never given an alternative diagnosis and many of the symptoms had subsided. Now in my early 30's, I've been pretty healthy for the last 5 years and I regularly exercise and take probiotics and antioxidants to maintain my health. Having struggled for 10 years with an illness, I still have some emotional pain that comes up whenever I feel sick. I also have asthma and eczema and refer to myself as being "highly flammable" since it seems that inflammation has played a major role in all of my health problems. I am interested in starting to "walk for" different causes, but collect money for alternative therapy research rather than for pharmaceutical drug research. I try to keep up-beat and positive and encourage women's empowerment, art, and a love of nature in my blog: www.diegogirl.com
In my last blog I wrote about dysbiosis, an imbalance of the digestive flora that causes pain and discomfort in the digestive area. In the treatment plan I briefly mentioned probiotics as one part ...
kansley commented on Dr. Daemon Jones' post Probiotics are the Answer to Many Digestive Problems