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I was recently diagnosed with severe gastroparesis. My mother has chron's disease, and I thought I had the same problem as hers. I was surprised after the results, they diagnosed me with only 12% of a regular digestion system. Scary as it seems I have to face it and try to treat it the best way possible.
This is all very new to me, and I appreciate any advice. My doctor put me on Ametiza. This drug gives me a lot of nauseas and a weird feeling, I try to take it for about two weeks and gave up. It was not worth feeling sick every day just to empty my stomach.
I went to a holistic doctor who gave me 1200mg of daily ginger pills. It's supposed speedy up my system so far it worked for me.

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Kelly Cristina


Connecticut, CT USA


“Only strong personalities can endure history, the weak ones are extinguished by it”


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