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life was fine, over all until 7/31/2008 an auto accident where i was rear ended changed it all..physically n mentally..last November (2010) i was finally on a come back, made some solid decisions and moving forwardly..was divorcing after 21 yrs, a positive, health wise..i needed to eliminate stress, but he attempted suicide 1/7/2011 and has many deficits now needing my assist, no one to help him..im here until hes stable enough for family to take over - his. my health suffering again, immune system attacking itself and organs again, fibro acting up, CFS out of control..all the progress i made gone, no appetite, weight loss, (which is good, i need to loose weight) but the stress is over the edge and now no insurance..no migraine meds, no seizure meds..both a cause from the accident..i have given it up to my higher power - i have no choice until i can get out of this relationship and life - if i survive it..im trying to pack up the house..we're loosing all he never cared and now remembers none of it..it sucks..

Send Me a Message


Kathy Gerard


Unionville, CT 06085 USA


May 23


Not a quote, but my own writings to very good friends who have been supportive, awe-inspiring, uplifting, and my rocks during very trying times..all I have to offer are the words of my heart and soul..Thank You, especially three very special friends that i know push to shove, they would be next to me the entire way.. From me to you..the words of my heart and soul.."From this mornings first light until this evenings last star; please know in your heart and remember how special you are; to me you are the sunshine, the soft wind that blows, the eagle that soars, the warmth that fills my soul; words however special could never even start to tell you all the emotion in my heart; Thank You for coming into my world n being my true friend.." xox K- "Whomever I meet in this life; you will always remember me; perhaps not my name nor my face; but the essences of me because i will have left a mark; a mark on your soul so deep you will be unable to forget the intensity of which i lived; the fire of which i loved; the passion of which i fought for what i believed in...i am forever embedded in your heart and soul..and this you know is truth..." Peace..xox..K-

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