Mandi M.
I am 31 and have a list of health problems. I had my first child at the age of 18 and there was a lot of completions. I had a incompetent cervix which caused me to go into labor at 24 weeks. My son was born at 25 weeks and is a miracle! He weighed 1lb 11oz and is now a healthy 13 year old boy! After that I went through several surgeries for endromesosis. Three years later I got pregnant again, which I was told was impossible! During my pregnancy I grew a huge goiter and was diagnosed with Graves Disease ( which is a form of Hyperthyroid). They treated me with meds until I delivered than they killed my thyroid with radio-iodine treatments. But they didn’t give me enough to fully kill the thyroid so many years later after getting really sick I was told I had Hashimoto’s (which is still a form of thyroid disease- autoimmune) I just kept getting sicker and sicker after many surgeries, tests, hospitals, and doctors. I was diagnosed with Primary Billary Cirrhosis. In the last few years I have been in the hospital and had many surgeries. I have fibromyalgia and some other smaller health problems.
I've been suffering from recurring abdominal pain for three years. The pain is in my lower abdomen, just left of center. It comes and goes, but is a sharp, horrible pain that usually lasts for ...
Mandi M. commented on tstep972's post Undiagnosed Abdominal Pain