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NLuvbut lonely

My wife is my second marriage. I have never been so in love with anyone in my life. The first 4-6 months were terrific. We both had great jobs, she was always interested in sex and life looked wonderful. Suddenly she decided she needed to deal with the closure from her first marriage and for about 2 months she spent a good deal of time talking with her ex and occasionally seeing him. During this time there was no sex or closeness between us. Then she seemed to get the closure she needed to move on. Then she injured her arm at work, which eliminated her career. For 2 years we dealt with surgeries and recovery. Then she developed a stomach and chronic fatigue issue. She has diarrhea 8-10 times per day and when she doesn't, she is exhausted, grumpy and simply "hurts" all over. For the past 4 years we average sex 4-5 time per year. I do most of the cooking, cleaning, shopping and finances. Unfortunately, I never quite do it right and so she does spend a good deal of time angry at me. I should also mention that right after the arm injury she went through menopause, even though she is in her mid-40s; it was surgically induced as she had a complete hysterectomy. I still love her, but am tired, lonely and frustrated..on a number of levels. My health is fine. I do take BP medication but that's about it. I'm physically fit but find my self being tired a lot.

NLuvbut lonely
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El Cajon, CA


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