My life began with problems and continues today with bumps in the road. I was born with my right hip turned inward. Because physical therapy wasn't offered when I was a baby, my mother did her best to massage my hip and leg into "normal" position. As a result, today I have one hip slightly higher than the other, leaving one leg a tad shorter. The measurement is slight, but I've had low back pains most of my life. I suffer from headaches, migraines, sinus headaches/congestion, tension headaches & occipital neuralgia. I had my son at age 21 via c-section. I had developed pre-eclampsia and was quickly heading downhill. After my surgery, I contracted genital herpes from my then husband not 6 weeks later.
Fast forward several years and quite a few pounds later... I had high cholesterol, high blood pressure, increasing aches & pains, plantar fasciitis, morbid obesity and absolutely no energy. I was working full time and coming home to crash every day. The weekends were miserable and I wanted to stay in my bed or crawl under it. The doctors couldn't tell me where I'd be in 5 years let alone in 6 months. I started having heart palpitations and soon quit my job.
After years of hearing "lose weight & get better sleep" from every specialist I saw, I opted for gastric bypass surgery in 2007. I weighed 241 pounds and at 5 foot tall, I couldn't see my toes at all. I lost a total of 110 pounds in less than 8 months, but I still hurt. In 2008, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. No longer could doctors look at me and deny my pain or put it off on my weight! I found doctors that started listening to me and taking me seriously. The more I researched, the more I believed that I wasn't getting the right medications or treating the right symptoms. I took my health care seriously and insisted that we look into as many treatments as possible.
In 2010, I found out I had endometriosis, prolapsed uterus & cervix and interstitial cystitis. I had a total hysterectomy and a bladder sling in April 2010. I had lost another 20 pounds waiting for the diagnosis due to all the pain I was in.
Over the years, I've been scanned from head to toe one piece at a time. It was me putting together the pieces that led to a routine that works. I am able to function and have medications to help when the pain is bad. Just recently I was diagnosed with Raynaud's disease.
I've been diagnosed and had a doctor treating me several years. My doctor is no longer practicing and I'm not interested in breaking new doctors in. I know writing Rx's is lucrative to them and ...
qtpio69 commented on fibrocfids' post I need suggestions on finding a good fibromyalgia doctor who fosters a patients desire to do without prescription drugs.