I've been diagnosed and had a doctor treating me several years. My doctor is no longer practicing and I'm not interested in breaking new doctors in. I know writing Rx's is lucrative to them and ...

qtpio69 commented on fibrocfids' post I need suggestions on finding a good fibromyalgia doctor who fosters a patients desire to do without prescription drugs.


I've been diagnosed and had a doctor treating me several years. My doctor is no longer practicing and I'm not interested in breaking new doctors in. I know writing Rx's is lucrative to them and ...

qtpio69 commented on fibrocfids' post I need suggestions on finding a good fibromyalgia doctor who fosters a patients desire to do without prescription drugs.

EmpowHER Guest

i have heard from several women that they have added creon medecation to fight firbromalagia pain. the side effects are scarey. at this point tho i'm willing to do anything. vicki

qtpio69 commented on Anonymous' post creon to fight fibromalagia