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Liposuction isn't typically considered an overall weight-loss method or a weight-loss alternative. You may be a candidate for liposuction if you have too much body fat in specific spots but otherwise have a stable body weight. When you gain weight, fat cells increase in size and volume. In turn, liposuction reduces the number of fat cells in a specific area. The amount of fat removed depends on the appearance of the area and the volume of fat. The resulting contour changes are generally permanent — as long as your weight remains stable.After liposuction, the skin molds itself to the new contours of the treated areas. If you have good skin tone and elasticity, the skin is likely to appear smooth. If your skin is thin with poor elasticity, however, the skin in the treated areas may appear loose. Some liposuction procedures may require only local or regional anesthesia — anesthesia limited to a specific area of your body. Other procedures may require general anesthesia, which induces a temporary state of unconsciousness The surgical team will monitor your heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen level throughout the procedure. The procedure may last up to several hours, depending on the extent of fat removal.

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