Target fat loss as a primary fitness goal this year and you will be healthier and leaner than ever! Think shrink as in “shrink your body!” Turn a deaf ear to the myriad of quick weight loss options that fuel many fruitless New Year’s resolutions.

Belly fat causes many health problems. Scientists now know much more about fat cells (adipose tissue) than ever before. Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that abdominal fat cells secrete inflammatory proteins that cause damage to blood vessels and other cells.
These inflammatory chemicals secreted by belly fat cells are involved in the development of coronary artery disease and Metabolic Syndrome!

Fat loss requires patience. Your goal is to change your body’s composition to more muscle mass and less fat. That requires time and smart, hard work on your part. You might actually gain a little weight at the beginning of your exercise program. This happens because muscle weighs more than fat. So, you could be losing inches and fat but not losing weight. Don’t despair! The weight will melt off in due time and stay off.

From my experience, many New Year’s resolutions die because of short-sightedness. An attitude of “I want my body to change as fast as possible or…..” is short-sighted. An attitude of “I what to change my lifestyle and become fitter and healthier each day” is a long-term approach. We know which attitude will always ultimately lead to success.

Burn both types of fat with strength training, cardio training and healthy nutrition. This simple recipe for fat loss and weight loss success remains unchanged. If you will do this, you will burn both types of fat, subcutaneous and visceral.

Subcutaneous fat is found just underneath the skin and may cause dimpling and cellulite. The more dangerous visceral fat is located in the abdomen and vital organs (such as the liver). It can also infiltrate your muscles and heart. Even if you are skinny, you can have visceral fat.

Where do you start? I’m glad you asked! Schedule an appointment with a personal trainer and get a fitness assessment. A fitness assessment will:

--help you identify and visualize your fitness goals and determine why your fat loss and weight loss efforts have failed or succeeded in the past

--tell you your body composition (body fat % vs. lean mass %). You will also learn "where you are fat" (body mass index will not give you this important information)

--give you your body measurements (chest, arms, neck, hips, waist, etc.)

--identify eating habits you need to improve and

--will tell you whether you need a doctor's clearance before you can begin an exercise program.

Just remember, “think shrink,” work hard, be patient and watch your body change as the fat and pounds melts away!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark is the owner of My Fitness Hut, Her Fitness Hut, Sports Fitness Hut and My Nutrition Hut. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s main site:

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