Yes, weight gain is rarely the real problem us. Many times weight gain is the physical evidence that we are having difficulty living life. We lose focus and slack off on things like regular exercise and eating reasonably well.

And, we might start losing sleep and moving around less during the day. We all live life, lose focus, gain weight, etc. Personal trainers are not exempt from these facts. We try to lead the way in showing people how to stay focused on fitness goals and achieve them at any stage in life. surveyed their readers about why women gain weight. Some of the responses are no big surprise:

1. Stress and boredom, 37%
2. Having babies, 34%
3. Getting married, 12%
4. Becoming less active, 10%
5. Various reasons, 7%

Here are some of the readers’ responses to questions:

“Both stress and boredom make me eat, only problem is that if I’m not stressed then I’m bored, so I can’t win!”

“It’s like if I eat something it’s comforting and it gives my brain something else to think about.”

“The biggest increases for me were stress – losing job & grandparent & close relative, all in two months.”

“A lot of problems with partner after getting married and turning to drink, which got sorted out quite a few years ago. Then a neighbour used to come over every night whining and whining that she had no money, no this, and no that – which turned me back to drink.”

“Working in a stressful environment makes you put on weight. Whether it’s through alcohol, or just not having time and energy to take care of yourself.”

“After a really long rough day all I want to do is have a good feed with something starchy and washed down with plenty of wine.”

“Apart from the obvious physical side of putting on weight when pregnant, afterwards it is difficult to try and build in healthy eating and exercise into a new and hectic routine of having a baby, working full-time and studying part-time.”

“Was always a skinny teen and as I worked fairly locally until age 25, I didn’t feel the need to drive. Then work moved 30 miles away so I learned and began driving each day. Due to the time taken to commute, I became less active but still ate the same amount.”

What’s the point Mark? Make regular exercise and eating healthy a priority in your life. We all have ups, downs and outs in life. If you keep your body healthy, it will help you live a better life, a more quality life. High blood pressure is not inevitable!

Do you walk places or exercise 30 minutes a day? Can you try to eat better every day? Yes, you can! Just get it done throughout life’s events and your body will thank you.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT, is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark is the owner of My Fitness Hut, Her Fitness Hut, Sports Fitness Hut and My Nutrition Hut. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want.

Visit Mark’s main site:

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