I have clients who get frustrated because they are working out regularly and making small changes to their diets and when they get on the scale they see only one or two pounds lost that week. I tell them they are on the right path and losing more than two pounds a week can lead them to a diet disaster.

For many dieters their sole motivation is to lose weight as fast as possible. Maybe it's for a class reunion or to look great this summer in a bathing suit, but either way the "lose weight fast" strategy can lead many dieters down a dangerous path. They cut calories drastically and workout like a fiend to shed the pounds. They hit their weight goals and think they are done and slowly go back to their bad habits. Next thing you know they have put all the weight back on and for most even more.

What most don't understand is to maintain long term weight loss you have to make good decisions everyday about what you put in your mouth and exercise. You must slowly get in the habit of making these decisions so it becomes a natural way to live everyday. When you drastically cut calories, food groups or over exercise, that is not a natural way to eat and live EVERYDAY of your life for the next several years. You must eat healthy and exercise smart. Here are some tips from www.runnersworld.com.

1. Keep At It! You have to be consistent and if you get on the scale and don't see the number you like, don't get frustrated or depressed and go on an eating frenzy. Just keep on chugging away. Look at what you ate and how much exercise you did that week and just re-adjust.
2. Get Support. This could be your husband, friend or a weight loss group. It's great to have someone there to encourage you to stay on the right path.
3. Don't Eat Emotionally. Eating food for comfort or out of boredom is a great way to gain weight. Instead go for a walk, call a friend. If a bowl of steamed chicken and broccoli doesn't sound good then you are not hungry for food to use as fuel.
4. Keep Your Motivation High. Create a list of why you want to lose the weight and check it every so often and continue to add to the list like, "I want to be a role model for my children."

Hang in there. Losing weight can be a struggle, but it's a struggle with great payoffs. Just remember to diet smart and take it slow so it becomes a habit and a healthy natural way to live your life. More to come on this subject!
