It's easy to talk about weight loss and fat loss but much tougher to believe it and then achieve it. With so much bad information about weight loss on the market (and many willing to believe it), it is no wonder that so many people fail at burning fat, losing weight and keeping it off. Weight loss and fat loss is a process that you must commit to and persevere through the failures along the way. Really, anyone can do it with proper guidance and hard work.

Here are some commitments you need to make if you are going to burn fat, lose weight and change your body to lean and toned. You must make the right commitments or you'll end up frustrated and going in circles.

1. Make a commitment to a lifetime of fitness. This commitment trumps all other fitness commitments. Without it, you will always fall prey to the inevitable obstacles and pitfalls along the way.

To make this commitment, you must be willing to give up bad behavioral patterns, such as:

--giving in to emotional overeating

--bad exercise habits (it takes hard work)

--negative attitudes

--limiting behaviors

--following quick weight loss advice (or looking for easy answers)

There are many other bad behavioral patterns that I could mention. You need to make your own list and begin to make changes.

2. Be willing to change your eating habits! Sixty to 70 percent of your fitness goal success or failure will depend on good nutrition. Since you must eat to survive, get ready to change. Get rid of the fad diets that don’t work long-term. Start planning and complying with healthy meals using a mix of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

3. You must change your body’s composition. You must increase muscle mass to become a “fat-burning machine.” You don't need to be a body builder but you need to replace the fat (to an acceptable body fat percentage) on your body with muscle mass.

4. You must do more than cardio exercise to change your body’s composition. That's right cardio queens and kings---read commitment number five below.

5. Make a commitment to full-body strength training! Among other things, it builds muscle mass, speeds up your metabolism (the body has to work harder to maintain muscle) and helps improve your bone density. And, you’ll look great!

Stay tuned this week for parts 2, 3 and 4 of this series and you will learn how to make weight loss and fat loss a reality in your life!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s sites:

My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut