Does this sound like a typical scenario? You’re up at 6am to hopefully have time to make yourself look somewhat decent, so you throw your hair in a pony tail or hat, find some clothes that don’t consist of spit up stains and then swallow a little nourishment before those kiddos start to stir.

Next thing you know it’s 11pm, you’re exhausted thinking where the day went and wonder if you will ever find time for yourself. Frustrated that those last few pounds of baby weight are still sticking around, you doubt the time to exercise is ever in your future. Being the mother of young twin boys I have been there and done that, so I’m here to help. Here are some Fit Diva tips to get you back to sanity.

If you’re a stay at home mom, my first tip is put on those workout clothes first thing in the morning. Yes, it’s ok to car pool in lycra. This way you’re ready to go at a moments notice. If you’re a working mom then make sure you have those clothes laid out and ready to put on, so when you get home they are the first thing you see and a reminder to get your buns in gear. If you don’t have a baby jogger then I encourage you to get one. Both Fit Diva Jill and I have the Bob Ironman double jogger and we love it, but there are other versions that your local running or biking store may have. The jogger can seriously be your first step to sanity. Put those kiddos in there and take off on a great walk or run. Take in the fresh air and enjoy the scenery. If the kids start fussing you can always bring snacks, bottles, blankets, toys, etc. to keep them occupied and entertained. I even sing. Scary, but true! It’s ok to be a little selfish. It’s 30-40 minutes of their lives and they can wait on you for once.

If you’re a morning person, then get up at the crack of dawn before the family and enjoy the silent streets and quiet time for you. This is my favorite time because it’s just me and the road. Also, I get my workout in because I’ve been known to be a slacker in the afternoon. A membership to a gym that has a daycare of your approval is also an option. This way you get out and about and are around people taller then two feet.

If you need more motivation then find a girlfriend, neighbor, etc., for you to be accountable to and go to the gym together or walk together with the joggers. Get a group of girls and together hire a babysitter to watch all your kids while you go for a walk, run, or to the gym and get some girl time in and a little adult conversation (we all know how important that is) as well as a workout. If that’s not possible, then switch babysitting time with a girlfriend. She watches your kiddos while you workout and then vice versa. You can also negotiate time with your husband. He can get his daddy time in while you go workout.

Baby Boot Camp classes are great. Google your local area and see if there are Baby Boot Camp classes near you. You can bring the kiddos, meet other women, network and get a great workout in.

Take advantage of those nap times. If not, exercise with your kids while they are playing. Do exercises that get the most bang for your buck, such as lunges with bicep curls, or squats with an overhead press. Most of my exercises of the week fall into this category. Remember it’s ok to break up your 30-40 minutes and do 10-15 in the morning, afternoon and evening. It’s all about how many calories you burned at the end of the day.

As a mom it’s so easy to put ourselves last. Gee, when was the last time I got my haircut? But, we need to take time for ourselves and workout. We need it for our sanity and I always say I’m a better mom when I can get my workouts in because you feel renewed and cleansed. So when your whining, crying, teething, child starts pulling on your pant leg for the hundredth time that day, you’re more likely to pick them up and smile instead of pulling your hair out. Remember 30-40 minutes a day most days of the week is your goal. You can do it girl!