What’s your motivation for losing weight? Based on my experience and research, you will be successful with lasting weight loss provided you motivate yourself the correct way.

There have been many New Year’s fitness resolutions that died quick deaths because of wrong motivations. You can want to do something for the wrong reasons. It's hard (maybe impossible) to succeed with that type of reasoning.

In any endeavor, give yourself the best chance to succeed and work hard (never giving up) to achieve your goals.

Based on research stated in Men’s Health Magazine, there are five basic ways to be motivated. So, here they are:

1) AMOTIVATION - You don't really have a reason to work out (like "whatever girl"). Your workouts won't last long.

2) EXTERNAL REGULATION - You're motivated to work out because other people like the way you look when you're in shape, but no internal motivation exists. How long do you think you'll be able to please people? Then what will motivate you?

3)INTROJECTED REGULATION - You feel bad about yourself when you don't work out. This is a type of motivation, but its based on negative motivations.

4) IDENTIFIED REGULATION - You work out because it is good for your health and lifestyle. This is a very positive behavior and will lead to permanent lifestyle changes.

5) INTRINSIC MOTIVATION - You work out because you enjoy it! This is probably the best motivation of all.

In my opinion, a combination of the motivations listed in numbers 3 through 5 lead to permanent lifestyle changes, with heavier weight attached to numbers 4 and 5. And, the motivation listed in number 2 will probably be mixed in somehow.

As a personal trainer, the health benefits of exercise are a priority for me. But the enjoyment is probably what pushes me to progress with exercise goals. On those days when I say to myself, "I don't want to exercise," I still do it because I enjoy it. And, my appearance is the fringe benefit of a healthy lifestyle.

I don’t know why you started to exercise and improve your eating habits. If you have transformed it into a fitness and health lifestyle, you got your motivation right at some point. Keep it going!

If you have struggled for years to burn fat, lose weight and change your body, take a look inward at what motivates you to exercise. You may need to schedule an appointment with a personal trainer to get guidance and feedback. Continue the struggle. Your body will thank you.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark is the owner of My Fitness Hut, Her Fitness Hut, Sports Fitness Hut and My Nutrition Hut. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s main site:

Your Fitness University http://yourfitnessuniversity.com