Have you made weight loss progress after six months? If the answer is no, don’t be discouraged. You just need to make some adjustments to your exercise program. A renewed commitment to health, weight loss and fat loss might be required.

Make a commitment to a lifetime of fitness. This commitment trumps all other fitness commitments. Without it, you will always fall prey to the inevitable obstacles and pitfalls along the way.

The mid-point of the year is a good time to renew your commitment (really, every week is a good time). Anyway, if you're frustrated and overwhelmed from the whole exercise/fitness/meal plan/fat loss/weight loss puzzle, make some changes!

Refocus, re-evaluate and make changes. There's a reason your exercise program isn't working. Some reasons could be:

1. You have been haphazard with your workouts and eating habits.

2. You have the wrong workout routine and you're stuck doing the same workout week after week (with little or no results).

3. You're not working hard enough. It takes hard, smart work to change your body composition. Or maybe, you stopped working out because you are “too busy.”

That excuse will not hold water! You have plenty of time during the day to exercise. Here is a good tactic that I use all the time: exercise at the location where you are currently. Many days, I fit in 15-20 minutes of exercise while waiting for a client training session. Take advantage of "dead time" during your day and exercise. Twenty minutes of exercise here and 20 minutes of exercise there works just fine.

4. You're depending on a fat-burner supplement, powder or weight loss patch to change your body. Stop wasting your money! Concentrate on changing your eating habits.

Sixty to 70 percent of your fitness goal success or failure will depend on good eating habits. Since you must eat to survive, get ready to change. Get rid of the fad diets. Start planning your own meals using a mix of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

5. You have tried fad diet after fad diet and you keep regaining more weight than you previously lost.

6. You are trying to reach your weight loss goals by yourself. Research has proven that you are more likely to succeed with your weight loss and fat loss goals if you have a weight loss buddy (social support or accountability partner). Who are your weight loss buddies? It helps to have more than one because life's events are unpredictable.

7. You have no idea why your workout program is not working. Get a personal trainer to help you succeed.

Make the next six months of health, fitness and weight loss better by making needed changes and staying with your program. You are worth it!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s sites:

My Fitness Hut http://myfitnesshut.blogspot.com
Her Fitness Hut http://herfitnesshut.com
Sports Fitness Hut http://sportsfitnesshut.blogspot.com