Review your year in weight management to monitor your strategies for improving your body’s composition (less fat, more muscle mass) and health. This goes beyond the standard New Year’s resolutions which many times die by February or March.

So, you don’t have a weight management strategy? You should try it--starting today. It really does work. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate strategy. And you might need some feedback from your workout buddy, spouse or personal trainer. You need to do one thing for sure--write down your strategy and post it where it's easily visible (the refrigerator is a great place for it).

Your weight management strategy should have no more than five take-action steps. Keep it simple, realistic and measurable. Body fat percentage can be measured. How much fat those expensive supplements burn cannot be measured (they don’t work anyway!).

Remember, you want to manage your weight because it will improve your health. Looking fit and beautiful are the fringe benefits and not the other way around. So, when was the last time you had a full-blown physical exam? Too long you say? Guess what’s number one on the review list?

Here’s an example of review list that will work, but feel free to use something similar:

1. Have your health numbers improved this year? Has your blood pressure improved? Are you closer to 120/80 (normal BP) or 140/90 (hypertension)? What about those triglyceride levels (blood fat)? Do you know the difference between good and bad cholesterol? Have you ever had your bone density checked? If you haven’t been poked and prodded by your doctor in a while, get it done this week!

2. What was your body fat percentage this time last year? Have you reduced it? The key to your permanent weight loss is to burn body fat and change your composition. That’s how you get lean and toned.

Just losing weight will not get the job done. Yo-yo dieters are famous for losing 30 pounds and regaining 50 pounds. Meanwhile, their health and body fat continues to worsen. Check your body fat percentage once a week to see how you are progressing.

3. How much do you weigh? Your weight should be less than it was a year ago. Fat loss is more important than weight loss but lasting weight loss is a measure of success. I weigh myself to measure the success of my workout and meal plan the previous day.

4. Have your workouts been consistent? You will not be successful with your weight management if your workout habits are haphazard. How will you burn fat without building muscle mass? You know the answer.

5. Did you comply with your meal plan at least 90 percent of the time? If you didn’t, start that food journal to hold yourself accountable. It works.

Have a better weight management year in 2011. You can do it with some help.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark is the owner of My Fitness Hut, Her Fitness Hut, Sports Fitness Hut and My Nutrition Hut. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s main site:

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