The 2012 London Olympics has proven to be quite exciting over these two weeks with many successes, shockers and "spoiler alerts" in the news.

If watching the Olympics has inspired you to start an exercise routine or break out of the rut you’ve been stuck in, then keep reading in the name of your health.

1. As the motto goes, you have to play to win.

The same goes for exercise, diet and a healthy body. Watching the Olympics reinforces the idea that you can’t do it "part-time" and expect amazing results.

If you are looking to lose weight, tone up, feel healthy, have more energy, then you have to give 100 percent. Telling yourself you will start tomorrow or making excuses to skip your work-out will not earn you the goal you are trying to achieve.

2. Already giving 100 percent but stuck in a rut? Trying switching it up.

Look to the Olympics for ideas on new routines. Start swimming laps or take a water aerobics class. Find an aerials class and let your workout soar.

Buy a mini-trampoline specific for exercise and start bouncing. Take up horse-back riding. Use your bike and hit the trails or find a park with ones that are paved.

3. Tune in to how our athletes eat.

Dana Vollmer went gluten-free because of chronic stomach issues and repeat injuries, and swam her way to a gold medal.

Ryan Lochte gave up his famed diet of "all McDonald’s all the time" and switched to higher protein, fiber, fruits and vegetables.

The United States gymnastics team also looks to higher protein in order to keep themselves lean and help with muscle repair.

Most all athletes talk about proper hydration when interviewed about their diet. Are you staying properly hydrated?

4. Seek out a coach or a motivator.

If you need accountability then hire someone to keep you accountable. Find a trainer and pay to see them at least once a week so that you have someone to check in with and report what you have been doing and how you have been eating.

Look to a buddy, neighbor or co-worker to meet with regularly and exercise. Plan walks at lunch. Meet someone for a hike on the weekends.

Schedule 6 a.m. gym times three days a week. Connect with someone in a class and call or text each other encouragement.

If you are having a hard time being accountable by yourself, then get someone to do it for you. Motivation is everything when it comes to a healthy lifestyle!

5. Lastly, consider competition.

You may not ever make the Olympics but you can walk or run a 5K. You can take part in the various obstacle course all-terrain races that happen across the nation. You can take up martial arts and work your way up through the levels.

There are diving, tennis, and horseback riding events for all ages, not just for kids/teens/college so check your local listings and get active! Having something to look forward to with create motivation to train and make healthy choices.

Use the 2012 Summer Olympics as the motivation you need to make changes and meet your goals for the year.

Read the athletes stories for inspiration and involve the whole family. This is your health we are talking about!

Reviewed August 6, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith