What did you vow to accomplish this divine 2009? Perhaps you were one of millions seeking weight loss, healthier lives, or to quit smoking. Did you start off with a burst of energy only to fizzle out by mid-February (or maybe even mid-January)? Don’t despair because this article is all about starting over!

The great thing about New Year's Resolutions is they can be made at anytime of the year and it isn’t like you are taking a graded test…in fact it’s not even pass/fail. There is no teacher or professor staring over your shoulder making absolutely sure you quit smoking or chose carrots instead of candy. So if you quit your resolution, then it’s time to get back on the wagon!

It’s as simple as starting over. Choose tomorrow. Choose this weekend. Choose St. Patrick’s Day but whatever you do, please choose a date to begin. If you keep the mindset that you have already failed, then you are likely to live out the rest of 2009 the way you did in 2008. I say dust yourself off and start fresh.

The thing is, you are so worth it! Your health and your resolutions are worth it. Take a closer look at the reasons you are having set-backs and begin again. Maybe you really do need someone looking over your shoulder and giving you accountability. That’s okay – recognize it and make it happen.

I believe in you and you should too!