If you’re a regular EmpowHER reader, a few paragraphs into every article you may have noticed a graphic that reads “This Article: Improved my Life, Changed my Life, or Saved my Life.”

By clicking on this little box we call the “HER Health Meter,” our readers instantaneously alert the EmpowHER team that an article has made a difference in their lives.

We are excited to share that last week we hit a huge milestone on EmpowHER, and we’d like to thank YOU – the women on our site – for helping us get there!

The life of a woman is impacted nearly every moment on EmpowHER. And we’ve made a difference in 10,000 lives, measured by our HER Health Meter. It's a big deal - not just for us, but also for our readers and the women we serve.

Our Health Meter is the first social sentiment tool that helps us measure more than just “clicks.” It goes beyond that to help us see how we’re directly affecting our readers’ lives.

When a piece of content impacts a reader, she has the option to share if it has improved her health, changed or saved her life. It appears on every piece of content we produce, and can exist on partner sites or anywhere on the web.

Our readers were telling us, and in some cases even visiting our office to tell us, that our content was making a difference to their health, and even saving lives. To see if that was really true, we created the Health Meter.

“We wanted a way to measure that, to see which content was having this life-changing effect on women,” EmpowHER Founder Michelle King Robson said.

With so much health information on the web, it can be difficult to find content that is substantial and impactful, and may transform women’s health. The Health Meter allows us to rise above the noise by making it easier to find content and information that has truly touched people’s lives.

Robson sees the information we share with our readers as a collaboration between EmpowHER and the women we serve. “It take a village of women - our editors and writers and office staff, the women we serve and their loved ones. EmpowHER is a collective experience,” Robson said.

Monalou is just one example of the many women who have been impacted by our content. Her husband Robert had been dealing with some health concerns, and they struggled to determine what it was. One day she opened EmpowHER's newsletter and by chance began reading an article on aortic aneurysms. Upon reading, Monalou and Robert determined that was exactly what he was experiencing. He called his doctor and within days was in surgery.

“And all that from the result of reading the website; it saved his life,” Monalou said. “It felt incredibly empowering, I guess, for me to know that something I am involved with, something I received, something I am interested in, saved his life.”

We hear from the women we impact daily, and their feedback helps us see what kind of content makes meaningful impact. Recently, we heard from a woman after she read our article Emotional Abuse: The Invisible Marriage Killer. The piece helped her better understand what she was going through in her relationship.

“I feel better about myself because I know it's not my fault for everything that goes wrong in my home. No one person could be to blame for entirely everything. Thank you for giving clarity in my life,” she said. Sentiment: Improved Health

Another woman explained how she was able to relate to our piece This Photo Series Shows Exactly What Anxiety Feels Like.

“The images captured emotions I have seen others go through and some that I have gone through this past year,” she said. Sentiment: Changed Life

The HER Health Meter is not only an opportunity to better engage with the women who support us. It also enables our brands to gauge how the work they sponsor is affecting our audience. Brands are able to see more than just stats about pageviews, time on page, and other analytics.

Our partners see real women’s real-life, real-time responses, allowing them to see the impact their content is having.

“This meter is what I read every day,” Robson shared. “This is my dashboard. If that needle hasn’t moved, then we are not doing our job as a company.

“When we started, if I could change, improve or save one woman’s life, that was important to me. And now I can say we’ve changed 10,000 women’s lives since creating this technology; it’s huge.”

This is what the HER Health Meter is capturing— encounters with the healing power of science-based content altering women’s lives, and therefore the world, for the better. On to the next 10,000!

The next time you read an article that leaves your life better than it was before, engage with our Health Meter. Because your good health means the world to us.