This week we saw a wide variety of questions come into our community. Women asked about getting to a healthy weight, recovering after ankle surgery and concussions. Our moderators provided resources and answers to these health questions as well as many others. Do you have a health question you need an answer for? Post it to our community, and we promise to respond within 24 hours.

Here are some of our top ASKs in the EmpowHER community this week.

1. How can I break my sugar addiction?

Via FoodiesFeed

A: I can speak to you from personal experience so I can definitely tell you what helped me! First of all, you need to alway start by looking at the root cause, and I can assure you, its NOT a love for sugar. In fact you probably hate the power it has over you.

The root is fear. You're afraid it will disappear and you won't get to enjoy it. You're afraid that you may never have the chance to eat something like that again in a long time. You're afraid of that feeling that you are somehow depriving yourself if you don't have it. Read the full answer here.

2.I'm always tired, my periods are always really heavy and I have no energy. Do I have anemia?

Via Pexels

A: You may have anemia - you certainly have some symptoms. I think it's a good idea to get some blood tests done to see if this is the case and also ask for your thyroid levels to be checked; I think that could be an issue too. Read the full answer here.

3. I am very thin, how can I gain more fat and muscle?

Via Pexels

A: There is a big difference between developing muscle mass and putting on fat.

Eat a healthy well-balanced diet. Consume the correct amount of a calories for your gender and age. Include protein in your diet. Good sources are lean meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, and fish. Avoid empty calories found in fatty or sugary foods. Read the full answer here.

4. I had a partial seizure six weeks ago and hit my head. Now I have headaches and nausea. Do I have a concussion?

Via Pexels

A: I am hoping that you are under the care of a neurologist and are being worked up for the cause of the seizures. That is most important.

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body, a fall, or another injury that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull. Read the full answer here.