What treatment options do I have available for my asthma?*
Fortunately with research advancements done in the field of asthma, many more treatment options are available to the asthma patient today. The choices range from inhalers, oral medication to immunotherapy and injections. Let us look at what the doctor could be prescribing as per her/his assessment of your condition:
1. Inhalers: (Check drug literature for details of how to be used, frequency and dosage of the medication to be administered or taken as well as their side-effects and contraindications. If in doubt, consult your doctor before using them.) Remember that each drug/chemical has it’s own impact and will be prescribed to you depending on your condition, tolerability, medical history etc.
a. Beta-2-Agonists (Short-acting). These have a short (2-4 hour) coverage and help reduce the symptoms of asthma. However, they neither treat nor prevent it from recurring. Corticosteroids will relax the smooth muscles on the interior of the bronchi (as well as other organs) which help it to dilate back to normal size and shape. Glucocorticostreroid chemicals Salbutamol, Levosalbutamol, Fenoterol, Procaterol, Metaproterenol, Terbutaline, Bitolterol Mesylate. Brand names vary in countries for these chemicals..
b. Corticosteroids – These enable reduction of swelling and inflammation of the inner walls of the bronchi. Chemical Beclomethasome, Triamcinalone, Flunisolide, Fluticasone, Budesonide. Brand names vary in countries for these chemicals.
c. Leukotreine Antagonists – These drugs inhibit the production of fatty cells called leukotreins in the immune system that cause the inflammation and constrict the airway passage. In general, they are less effective than corticosteroids. Chemicals Montelukast and Zafirlukast. Brand names vary in countries for these chemicals.
d. Beta-2-Agonists (Long-acting). Chemicals such as Salmeterol, Formoterol, Bambuterol, Clenbuterol. Brand names vary in countries for these chemicals. Studies have shown that regular usage of this drug can prove harmful in the long run. And may also cause fatality among patients. (Source: Ramanujan K. Common beta-agonist inhalers more than double death rate in COPD patients, Cornell and Stanford scientists assert. Chronicle Online. June 29, 2006. Available at:http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/June06/Salpeter.COPD.kr.html. Accessed June 30, 2006.)
e. Monoclonal antibodies: These are cloned antibodies that are produced for the use of detecting and purifying the substance to which it binds thereby curing medical conditions. Chemicals such as Mikolizumab, Omalizumab. Brand names vary in countries for these chemicals.
f. Ultra-long-acting Beta 2 agonists: Studies on these drugs are still on and they are prescribed in very special cases and under the close supervision of the doctor. Chemical Indacaterol. Brand name may vary in different countries.
g. Mast Cell Stabilizers: These drugs help stop or prevent the asthma’s allergy reaction. They are basically Cromone-based chemicals such as cromoglicate and nedocromil. Brands vary in different countries.
2. Oral Medications: (Check drug literature for details of how to use, frequency and dosage of the medication to be administered or taken, as well as their side-effects and contraindications. If in doubt, consult your doctor before using them.) Remember that each drug/chemical has it’s own impact and will be prescribed to you depending on your condition, tolerability, medical history etc.
a. Corticosteroids - Prednisone, Methylprednisone. Long-term usage of corticosteroids leads to increase in appetite and weight. It may also bring on the onset of osteoporosis as well as glucose problems in some patients. Patients in the LT usage category usually intake Vitamin C and Calcium supplements to tide over this crisis.
b. Antimuscarinics: These drugs reduce the production of mucous and thus indirectly help asthmatics from the symptom of spasms.Chemicals ipratropium, Tiotropium and Oxitropium are popularly given as complimentary drugs. Brand names vary in different countries.
3. Allergy shots or allergy desensitization: It has been noted that immunotherapy in it’s various forms helps regain the original immune condition of the patient. Allergy shots not only help stay off allergies but also re-tune the immune response of an individual that helps them stay off asthma.
4. Intravenous medications of some of the chemicals mentioned are also given to tackle an emergency situation at hospitals.
5. Non-conventional treatment options: Systems such as the Buteyko Method, Chiropractic, physiotherapy, respiratory therapies, Yoga (Pranayama, Asanas, meditation, Kriyas) have all been found effective and successful in management and prevention of asthma in 50% of the patients. Acupuncture also claims to have a positive effect on asthma patients though a study by Cochrane Systematic review could not establish the evidence towards such a claim.
*All treatment and medication should be done in consultation and under the supervision of a qualified doctor or a certified health practitioner. Each drug has incompatibility with some other drugs and is not to be used in certain health conditions. Self-medication is dangerous and has the potential of fatal outcomes.
Mamta Singh is a published author (Migraines for the Informed Woman – Tips from a Sufferer. Publisher: Rupa & Co.), seasoned business, creative and academic writer.
She is a certified fitness instructor, personal trainer & sports nutritionist through IFA, Florida USA. She is the lead writer and holds Expert Author status in many well-received health, fitness and nutrition sites. Mamta runs her own popular blogs on migraines in women and holistic health. Mamta holds a double Master's Degree in Commerce and Business, and is presently training as a Holistic Healing Therapist from the U.K. She is a registered practitioner with the UN recognised Art of Living Foundation.
Link: http://www.migrainingjenny.wordpress.com and http://www.footstrike.wordpress.com
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