It is never easy for any parents to learn that their child has been diagnosed with a medical condition. It is even harder when that medical condition is one the child will most likely have to manage the rest of her life.
When a child is diagnosed with asthma his parent will learn many things very quickly.
Here are seven things parents learn when their child is diagnosed with asthma:
Lesson 1) A child is more likely to have asthma if there is a family history of it.
There is a link between one or both parents having asthma and their child also being diagnosed with the condition.
Lesson 2) It is difficult to diagnose a child age five or younger with asthma.
Though a child may have exhibited signs of asthma and may have been treated for it for years, the official diagnosis might not occur until after her sixth birthday. The date of diagnosis doesn't mean the date when symptoms began.
Lesson 3) A child with asthma may also suffer from allergies.
Researchers have found a link between the prevalence of allergies, including skin allergic conditions like eczema, and an asthma diagnosis. It is not surprising to have to deal with both issues at once.
Lesson 4) Wheezing alone does not merit an asthma diagnosis.
Small airways in a child may cause wheezing, especially when a child has an upper respiratory infection. Asthma might be present if the child wheezes even without a cold or sinus infection.
Lesson 5) Medication will probably be necessary.
Asthma can be controlled in most people by using a combination of medicines, including inhalers and oral steroids. Both long-term and fast-acting inhalers may be called for.
Lesson 6) A child diagnosed with asthma may need to see a pulmonary specialist.
Many times a child is diagnosed with asthma and treated for it by his pediatrician. However, it may be necessary for the child to see a specialist if additional help is needed to control his asthma or if he has had a life-threatening attack.
Lesson 7) Asthma may be accompanied by a persistent cough.
While wheezing may be thought of as the most common sign of asthma, a non-productive cough without the presence of a cold can also be a sign of the beginning of an asthmatic episode.
When a child is diagnosed with asthma, a parent will need to learn plenty in a hurry. The most important thing may be the seriousness of this condition.
However with proper medication and medical attention, a parent will also learn that asthma in a child can be managed well and does not have to define the child's life.
Sources: Web. 12 Novemebr 2014. "Asthma diagnosis". Web. 12 November 2014. "Asthma diagnosis in infants".
Reviewed November 13, 2014
by Michele Blacksberg RN
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Hi, we are European startup company and we want to make a line of gadgets for smartphones that will help people with diagnostics their health. Now we are looking for doctor that often talks with people with asthma or people with asthma to help us to help other people. Write to us [email protected]
November 27, 2014 - 2:26pmThis Comment
It is important to have an asthma plan in place:
November 24, 2014 - 12:32pmThis Comment