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(reply to Kristin Davis)

Wouldn't it be obvious that as soon as your baby was born that he was developmentally delayed, and that he was obviouly 3 months behind?
I have had a premmie baby and he is developmentally delayed and this comes naturaly for an exprem baby for there proper birthdate - even though there born at a specfic time, before they are supposed to be born. You see each visit my son had with the paediatrician, the first thing the doctor would check was his heart and his breathing because there were significant breathing issues at the start of his life. He was supposed to come home with oxygen but my huband and I felt uneasy about this. We didn't want to find him in his worst condition by finding him in the cot not breathing. He had the tendency to pull the prongs out from his nostrils, and that is why we were concerend to bring him home with oxygen. Our son when he was 1 and a half years old was ordered by the paediatrician for our son to have early childhood intervention. And at the start our son had physiotherapist, and occupational therapist and speech therapist. Now our son has speech therapist once a month.

July 4, 2010 - 10:12pm


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