For twelve years haven't had my husband sleeping with me. Sometimes h asks to sleep with me. Come up with excuses so hat he's not in bed with me. I feel comfortable in bed n my own. Is this wrong?

Sleeping arrangements


When I was 13 years old I had a very bad infection which caused my inner ear to perferate, soon after the inner ear perferation I constantly heard ringing in the inner ear I remember it would keep ...

wizzy989 commented on wizzy989's post The Unpleasantness that comes with Tinnitus


When I was 13 years old I had a very bad infection which caused my inner ear to perferate, soon after the inner ear perferation I constantly heard ringing in the inner ear I remember it would keep ...

wizzy989 commented on wizzy989's post The Unpleasantness that comes with Tinnitus


When I was 13 years old I had a very bad infection which caused my inner ear to perferate, soon after the inner ear perferation I constantly heard ringing in the inner ear I remember it would keep ...

wizzy989 commented on wizzy989's post The Unpleasantness that comes with Tinnitus


When I was 13 years old I had a very bad infection which caused my inner ear to perferate, soon after the inner ear perferation I constantly heard ringing in the inner ear I remember it would keep ...

The Unpleasantness that comes with Tinnitus


When we go to church everybody in the ongregation participate in a mighty prayer chain to spiritually uplift the spirit of God in us. But why is it that once we are away from this that it goes ...

wizzy989 commented on wizzy989's post Health and the Bible

EmpowHER Guest

I had a abnormal pap smear and the a biopsy . i had severe displysia and hpv..i had to have a cone biospy right away.. i am going to have another pap in nov. that will be my 3 month since surgery. ...

wizzy989 commented on Anonymous' post does displysia come back after a cone biopsy?


Praying to God is a form of Meditation. When we open our Bibles to read we are Meditating on the Word of God. You see the Holy Bible is the Word and the Words are written for our understanding ...

Meditation is very important when we pray

EmpowHER Guest

Hi. I Really need help in figure out why my husband never wants to be intimate with me. We have been together for almost 4 years. In the beginning we were intimate a lot. Then he got hurt at work, ...

wizzy989 commented on Anonymous' post My husband no longer wants me


When we go to church everybody in the ongregation participate in a mighty prayer chain to spiritually uplift the spirit of God in us. But why is it that once we are away from this that it goes ...

wizzy989 commented on wizzy989's post Health and the Bible

EmpowHER Guest

he wants sex all day for a week and then nothing for a week and a half

wizzy989 commented on Anonymous' post why does my boyfriend waqnt sex alot and a week later not at all?


When we go to church everybody in the ongregation participate in a mighty prayer chain to spiritually uplift the spirit of God in us. But why is it that once we are away from this that it goes ...

Health and the Bible


Hi Members and Readers! EmpowHER is all about your needs, your wants and your opinions. What would you like to see from this Group? More news topics? More articles? More chat from others ...

wizzy989 commented on SusanC's post What would you like to see in this Group? Do you have suggestions for us?


The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC), a service of the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, explains ...

wizzy989 commented on Elizabeth Stannard Gromisch's post Changes in the Brain with Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Uterine fibroids or fibroids as they are commonly called are growths that are found in the uterine tissues. Fibroids are growths that are not cancerous but do affect the tissue of the uterus. ...

wizzy989 commented on Dr. Daemon Jones' post Uterine Fibroids


I am a christian, and hence when I became very ill in 2004 I seemed to lose my place of worship and have not been able to overcome it. It is like passion is gone and i want to build it up again ...

I want to talk about church


Hi Members and Readers! EmpowHER is all about your needs, your wants and your opinions. What would you like to see from this Group? More news topics? More articles? More chat from others ...

wizzy989 commented on SusanC's post What would you like to see in this Group? Do you have suggestions for us?

EmpowHER Guest

I had a abnormal pap smear and the a biopsy . i had severe displysia and hpv..i had to have a cone biospy right away.. i am going to have another pap in nov. that will be my 3 month since surgery. ...

wizzy989 commented on Anonymous' post does displysia come back after a cone biopsy?


I have been dianosed with uterine fibroids and I was wondering why some women get this complaint and others don't. Could you please tell me why this is so?

wizzy989 commented on wizzy989's post Uterine Fibroids


We must have the patience in the world to deal with a disabled child. My son is a very sensitive little boy. I wanted to sing with him but he didn't like me singing for too long, because there ...

wizzy989 commented on wizzy989's post Having a child with intelectual disability - (An ex premmie baby).


Act your age! I think my body needs to take this advice. I've been diagnosed with common illnesses, only they are atypical for the age I was diagnosed. At age 20 I was diagnosed with ...

wizzy989 commented on Miss Understood's post Act your age!


We must have the patience in the world to deal with a disabled child. My son is a very sensitive little boy. I wanted to sing with him but he didn't like me singing for too long, because there ...

wizzy989 commented on wizzy989's post Having a child with intelectual disability - (An ex premmie baby).


We must have the patience in the world to deal with a disabled child. My son is a very sensitive little boy. I wanted to sing with him but he didn't like me singing for too long, because there ...

Having a child with intelectual disability - (An ex premmie baby).


At EmpowHer, we get more and more questions from teens – mostly female, but some male as well – about the actual mechanics of getting pregnant. They are worried that they are pregnant even though ...

wizzy989 commented on Diane Porter's post Teens and sex: 40% have had it, 25% would welcome a baby


At EmpowHer, we get more and more questions from teens – mostly female, but some male as well – about the actual mechanics of getting pregnant. They are worried that they are pregnant even though ...

wizzy989 commented on Diane Porter's post Teens and sex: 40% have had it, 25% would welcome a baby


It was 2004, the year after my misscarriage. Ayear had gone by and I was feeling unwell I was feeling lefargic and very faint all of the time. We had been in our home for a few months, I was ...

My Time Spent In Hospital With Ulcerative Colitis


I was in a car accident and suffer from herniated disks and arthritis of my spine. As life changing enough as that is when I received the report from my CT Scan they had other news to tell me as ...

wizzy989 commented on Diamondbella's post My Liver Disease Story & the Birth Control Pill


Is there a most common age for suspecting autism in a child? How old should a child be before the lags I'm noticing should be considered as more than just normal developmental differences?

wizzy989 commented on Cyndi's post How young is too young to suspect autism?


Samuel wicks was born at Monash Medical Centre (clayton) in Victoria, Australia. On 19th June 2007, at 3:38 pm. When Samuel was born he weighed in at 1005 grams and arrived in Neo Natal ...

wizzy989 commented on wizzy989's post Samuel's Time in Neo Natal Intensive Care 19 - 6 - 2007


I believe that I cantracted hairy cell leukemia when I was very sick in 2005 I had potasium drip in one arm and rehydration fluid on another arm and I felt I was on my death bed. My white blood ...

Can you die from hairy cell leukemia?


Kim recalls how she dealt with the grief when her daughter passed away from a mitral valve prolapse.

wizzy989 commented on EmpowHER's post Daughter's Death: How Did You Handle The Grief?


Kim describes her daughter's mltral valve symptoms and tries to explains why she dismissed them.

wizzy989 commented on EmpowHER's post Heart Problem: Why Did Your Daughter Dismiss Her Symptoms?


At EmpowHer, we get more and more questions from teens – mostly female, but some male as well – about the actual mechanics of getting pregnant. They are worried that they are pregnant even though ...

wizzy989 commented on Diane Porter's post Teens and sex: 40% have had it, 25% would welcome a baby


There was something about her tone of voice that really intimidated me. You see the doctor that I had just hired asked me a question, “You do want your child to be socialized, don’t you?” Even ...

wizzy989 commented on fearlessparent's post Because her doctor said so!...


I'm 22 years old and married for two years. I have never really had immense pleasure from having sex. I can orgasm "manually" from my clitoris but then thats where the pleasure stops. Once my ...

wizzy989 commented on CazAnne's post Why dont I get real pleasure from sex?


I have been dianosed with uterine fibroids and I was wondering why some women get this complaint and others don't. Could you please tell me why this is so?

wizzy989 commented on wizzy989's post Uterine Fibroids


I have been dianosed with uterine fibroids and I was wondering why some women get this complaint and others don't. Could you please tell me why this is so?

Uterine Fibroids


Samuel wicks was born at Monash Medical Centre (clayton) in Victoria, Australia. On 19th June 2007, at 3:38 pm. When Samuel was born he weighed in at 1005 grams and arrived in Neo Natal ...

wizzy989 commented on wizzy989's post Samuel's Time in Neo Natal Intensive Care 19 - 6 - 2007


Samuel wicks was born at Monash Medical Centre (clayton) in Victoria, Australia. On 19th June 2007, at 3:38 pm. When Samuel was born he weighed in at 1005 grams and arrived in Neo Natal ...

Samuel's Time in Neo Natal Intensive Care 19 - 6 - 2007


I have had ulcerative colitis for 11 years and I recently found out that I am pregnant. My Dr. tells me it is okay to continue with my Asacol, but I am still worried about the health of my baby. ...

wizzy989 commented on denell81's post What to do-Pregnant with Ulcerative Colitis?


I have had ulcerative colitis for 11 years and I recently found out that I am pregnant. My Dr. tells me it is okay to continue with my Asacol, but I am still worried about the health of my baby. ...

wizzy989 commented on denell81's post What to do-Pregnant with Ulcerative Colitis?


I have had ulcerative colitis for 11 years and I recently found out that I am pregnant. My Dr. tells me it is okay to continue with my Asacol, but I am still worried about the health of my baby. ...

wizzy989 commented on denell81's post What to do-Pregnant with Ulcerative Colitis?