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Biblical Meditation Join this Group

Meditation is very important when we pray

By November 12, 2011 - 7:39am

Praying to God is a form of Meditation. When we open our Bibles to read we are Meditating on the Word of God. You see the Holy Bible is the Word and the Words are written for our understanding - of the meaning to be lead in a positive way by the Hands of God, to follow in His foot steps. You see it is a step by step guide for our lives, to live according to the Lord's standards Amen. Once those standards are understood we do what we are asked to do according to the Lord. When we Pray to the Living God we do this with eyes closed and head bowed down we ask God any thing for our lives to be changed. If God thinks that our Prayers are not from the heart He will not hear you, and if the Lord thinks that you are not doing enough (not enough good works) the Lord will not hear your Prayers. When this occurs it means that God expects something from you and that is to say that your sorry, say that your a sinner and that you will do every thing to sin no more Amen. Once you have completed this task the Lord will begin hearing your Prayers because you begin to give it all to Jesus with obedience. Your soul belongs to God so take care of Gods Temple, and this means take good care of your Health, because God wants us in good health Amen. We need to remember one thing and that is the enemy is under our feet, just like what the song says. Song - I went to the enemies camp and I took back what belongs to me, took back what belongs to me, took back what belongs to me. I went to the enemies camp and I took back what belongs to me, His under my feet, His under my feet, His under my feet, His under my feet, Satan is under my feet. Look what the Lord has done, Look what the Lord has done, He touched my body, He cleansed my mind, He changed me just in time, I'm gonna Praise His Name, every day is not the same, I'm gonna Praise Him, Look what the Lord has done Amen. So do you see my point that is what the Lord has done in Baptism He has changed us. Made us new into a new person so to speak.

By November 4, 2012 - 6:10pm

I do not think that when our prayers are not answered it is always because of something that we have or have not done. God has a specific purpose and plan for each of our lives. God is a loving Father, who desires to give good gifts to His children, not withhold from His children. Sometimes we have to ask if our prayers are in line with the will of God. I know I am struggling with a health issue, fibroids. I have had numerous surgeries and just when I thought things were going to start turning around, I found out that I have more tumors. I do not think God is punishing me for something I have or have not done. I think this struggle is part of my purpose and in the end God is going to turn it all around for His Glory.

November 4, 2012 - 6:10pm
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By Anonymous July 14, 2012 - 8:00pm
Hi wizzy989, Welcome to EmpowHER, thanks for sharing this information. Best, DaisyJuly 14, 2012 - 8:00pm

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Discussions on how to meditate on the word of God to achieve healing, acceptance and purpose.


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