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To the 15 year old girl,

If you are fooling around in the shower or anywhere for that matter, with a boy, you are no longer a virgin. I will repeat what was said in the one of the above posts, any time a penis is near your vagina, that means contact with your outside genitals called the labia or penetration your vagina, there is the chance of getting pregnant.

It only takes one sperm to travel up into your vagina and fertilize an egg, if one has been released by one of your ovaries.

Fifteen years old is a very young age to become sexually active. You need to educate yourself about sexual health, conception and prevention of an unwanted pregnancy and STDs.

You would not think of driving a car without first taking a driver's education course. Likewise, before becoming sexually active, you
should have a sexual education course.

Please look at the EmpowHer Sexual Health 101 page


April 9, 2012 - 4:53pm


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